Thursday, December 22, 2005
This is slightly disturbing
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Monday, December 19, 2005
Picture perfect sunset
Ahh Waikiki
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Chicken Anyone?
Ahh Hawaii
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Sucky tech support
I quote:
"Sometimes a wrong frame rate can cause sync problem. Please change another frame rate in "Input Settings" window."
Now, I know what the frame rate is, I know where to select it and change it, but umm how about some stinking advice on what the actual frame rate should be genius?? That might be slightly helpful than telling me to waste my time fiddling with the frame rate value and just attempt burn after burn of the same frackin movie. Morons! If I managed that tech support department I'd fire everyone and start from scratch!
Monday, December 05, 2005
Monday night TV stinks
PSP Movies, sooo CLOSE!
Last night I tried something new and I have to see if it worked later today since I let it run over night. I used DVD Decrypter to get the VOB file(took about half an hour), then I used something called Auto Gordian Knot to make the movie into an AVI file(this took about 2 hours). The movie and sound seemed to sync up so that was a good thing. I then used Xilisoft PSP Video Creator to take the AVI and make it into an MP4 file so I can view it on my PSP(I don't know how long this took, I ran it over night and had Shutdown Monster set to turn off my PC at 2AM). I have to transfer it to the PSP later tonight when I get home. I'm hopeful that this worked because then I'm gonna rip a few more videos so I can see them on my trip to Hawaii.
Friday, December 02, 2005
The Shutdown Monster
I found this sweet program called Shutdown Monster that I've been using for the past month and I freakin love the thing. It has a bug or two when you want it to hide itself in the system tray but other than that, its pretty sweet. I can set it up to close everything down for me without all the save prompts and what have you, or I can set it on a timer or specify a time for my PC to shut off (very useful when ripping DVD's to PSP). Now if they would only put that sort of function in Windows Vista..............
Thursday, December 01, 2005
TV sucks badly
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Girls = Evil
" First we state that girls require time and money
Girls = Time x Money
And as we all know "time is money"
Time = Money
Girls = Money x Money =(Money)2
And because "money is the root of all evil"
Money = square root of "evil"
Girls = (square root of "evil")2
And we are forced to conclude that: Girls = "Evil "
Cats in heat

Let me be clear on this, these two cats do not belong to me. They actually belong to my sister in law. She just recently got the gray one (the current name is Silver but it'll change soon) and the orange one is her original cat Tigger.
Tigger is neutered but Silver isn't spayed so I'm think something clicked in his mind when he sniffed Silver's butt or something and he started going at it with her. The pics tell it all and the expression on Tiggers face in the second picture is CLASSIC!
Monday, November 28, 2005
The blue screen of death
Weekend Movie Craziness
I also saw Just Friends which was freakin funny as hell. Thats definately one movie I'll probably be getting on DVD. It has Ryan Reynolds (Van Wylder) in it and he was able to make the movie really funny. The fact that he lip syncs the song "I Swear" by All 4 One in the beginning and end of the movie is almost too funny to watch. Now I have to wait and see if there are any other movies that will be worth watching in the next few weeks as Christsmas fast approaches.
Friday, November 25, 2005
Day after Thanksgiving maddness!
The day after Thanksgiving is the day that everyone has great sales and everything but I hae to wonder whether or not its worth it. Nit only is it way crowded, you have to get up early so the stuff you want isn't sold out by 8am. Almost all the stuff I'm going to be buying is online so I don't have to be too concerned about not finding what I need to get. And if I have to pay a little more and avoid the stores, hell why not!
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Only on Family Guy
.... Would they even consider calling the state of Florida "God's waiting room" LOL!!!
New website added
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Where the hell is it???
Xbox 360 Maddness
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Freakin addicting
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Beavis and Butt-head
I am the greatest.......IQ of 130!!!
Your IQ Is 130 |
Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius Your General Knowledge is Genius |
Phew, the week is over!
Anyway, my wife is up in CT for the weekend to attend her sisters bridal shower. I opted to stay here at home to convert more DVD's to PSP format so we can be ready for when we go to Fort Lauderdale for Thanksgiving. I also wanted to spend some time with my cats since I feel bad for leaving them home alone so often. Next week is a full week, then a short week because of Thanksgiving, oh how sweet it is!!
Monday, November 07, 2005
Happy Birthday Thumper :)
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Ninja Gaiden is DONE!
Hurricanes bring out the "DUH" in people
And I'm willing to bet that these same people that are getting these free supplies from the Feds are going to go ape shit when their taxes go up or something and then the'll complain about that. Now if they thought ahead they would realize that by getting all these freebies from the government, we run up the deficit even more which translates into higher taxes for all, not just the poor idiots that didn't prepare and are asking for hand outs. I can almost see Gov Bush contemplating an income tax to help pay for all the disaster relief and planning and I wouldn't blame him one bit for doing it because all this aid costs tons of money. I'm lucky that no really big hurricanes have hit Western Florida yet but if I see one coming, my wife and my cats are heading to CT!
Friday, November 04, 2005
More Foamy Maddness
Thursday, November 03, 2005
They finally fixed it...... well mostly
It's still working!
On the Ninja Gaiden note, I'm about half way through level 15. I cheated and went on GameSpot and read the game guide to figure out where I was. Maybe by this weekend I'll be able to get through level 15 and on to the final level for some serious ass whoopin booyah!!
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
All hail the Scat Mat!
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
New Rochelle Humane Society Trip
One of the funnier things that happened were two black cats that were outside when we were leaving. These two were just hanging around and not doing anything in particular. Lucy yells at them to turn around and they actually did it which surprised me. I went up to one and told it to sit and lo and behold it sat down. Those little buggers were pretty smart. Too bad they were having a grand old time afterwards rolling around in the dirt. Hurry up and get your damn cat Lucy!! That deer skin in your basement is the perfect scratching post :P
Sunday, October 30, 2005
For the first time since I can remember, I actually missed a flight. I was on a 4:55 flight home and I missed it because of traffic!!! First there was nasty traffic on the Hutch all because people were watching someone on the other side of the road change their freakin tire. Thats just bullshit right there. Then, after getting over the Whitestone, there was a rediculous amount of traffic going towards JFK airport. Most of the traffic that caused the "Heavy Delay" was because people were going to the Bruckner Expressway. Whoever designed the route to JFK must have been totally retarded or something. Next time I'm leaving at least three hours before departure if I'm flying out of NY.
Jason Wong
Friday, October 28, 2005
Dim Sum Trip
Today I went to Hartsdale NY to get some dim sum from one of my favorite chinese place. It has been quite a long time asince I've had good chinese let alone dim sum. Now there is a reason right there to go back to the North East.
The trip to Hartsdale was pretty cool. The trees are really colorful going down the Merrit Parkway. As much as I like it here, it would be difficult to come back because everything is so expensive. At least I still have the option to visit every once in a while. Tomorrow I'm going cat shopping with my italiano cousin Lucy (shes not my real cousin but she made me an honorary italian and her cousin haha) and I'm going to have dinner with the best man (Tiny) and maid of honor (Jazzy) from my wedding. Sunday I shall return home to my wonderful wife and evil cats.
Jason Wong
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Sleeping In
I'm at my mom's house till Sunday and this morning was the first time that slept in past 8am. Even when I didn't have my two cats I was never able to sleep in really without waking up early. It must be something about sleeping in my old bed or something. Anyway, I'm freezing my nuts off in CT because of the after effects of hurricane Wilma bringing in a nice cold front from Canada. BRRR......
Jason Wong
Monday, October 24, 2005
Bring on the sunshine
Welcome to Floriduh Hurricane Wilma!!

Hurricane Wilma actually came to Florida (South Florida though, I'm in West) so the most that I'm getting right now are a lot of tornado warnings, maybe some storm surge, and tropical storm force winds but other than that I'm pretty much OK. I get to stay home today since the office is closed but I do have to work from home while I'm here so that means I have to fire up my laptop and do some *snicker* work. My wife wasn't as lucky though, her pea brained bosses had their employees come into work even though all the government offices are closed down, there's no shipping leaving the city, and all the schools are closed. These people are just way too greedy. I would take great delight in watching their company burn up in smoke but I guess that won't be happening anytime soon. I'm probably heading to work tomorrow but thats alright, at least I got today off :)
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Thank you Wilma!
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Cool Wilma Picture
Preparing for a hurricane
Next stop was Sports Authority. Last year we were fortunate enough to not lose power. Right now the hurricane isn't even projected to come close to Tampa but you never know until the day before so we bought a camping stove with two burners on it. Now I think I'm all set. I'm not too worried about flooding of my apartment because I'm on the 3rd floor, I'm more worried about my car being washed away or something like that.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
You gotta be freakin kidding me!! Another Hurricane!

Update: I'm not leaving town after all, I'll go on vacation next week instead and stay here with my wife until the hurricane blows over. I guess its time to stock up the fridge with tons of non perishable stuff again and get some gas for the car......... mmmmmm SPAM!
Monday, October 17, 2005
Going back to CT
The evil door scratcher
Ninja Gaiden Maddness
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Halo 2 is DONE!
Friday, October 14, 2005
Talk about cheap pictures
I'm done with Jade Empire!
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Winamp 5.1
For those of you that are REALLY old school, you might remember a little app called WinPlay, now thats taking MP3's truely old school for those of you that downloaded music in '96 hahaha
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
The internet is so boring
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Leftovers for Lunch
I have my new hard drive!!
Monday, October 10, 2005
All tied up!
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Yankee Game Tonight, ALCS Game 4
Friday, October 07, 2005
Red Sox Lose!
I'd blog but........
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
MMMM Marble Slab
Monday, October 03, 2005
My wife and I are now hooked on this show after seeing the movie Serenity. It's a pretty damn good show. Too bad there were only a few episodes made for it before it was canceled. I don't think this show can make a comeback like Family Guy did but you never know. I would tell you which characters probably wouldn't be back on the show but then I'd ruin the movie for those of you that want to see it. And I do recommend seeing it, its too funny in some spots.
Already a bad start
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Tomorrow is another day of work.......... oh yay!
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Nerf balls are not cheap
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Cafeteria Food
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Diesel vs Hybrid
Lets start with diesel power! When I think of diesel power, I normally think of those huge ass trucks on the highway going way to fast and tailgating me on my way to some city in FL. I equate diesel with power but when I went on the VW site and looked up the TDI's that they were selling, the power on those cars were pathetic. It stated that they use 4 cylinder 100hp diesel engines. No wonder those things get such great gas milage, they hardly guzzle anything and maybe have the horse power of Lance Armstrong on a tricycle. I thought maybe Mercedes Benz would be better and I thought maybe I could find a small car tha was relatively cheap. HA! Talk about expensive, they were starting their cars over $30,000 and by the time I was finished fine tuning mine it was over $40,000 so that took care of that idea pretty quick. On the plus side though, the cars can litteraly last forever since they don't require tune ups and if you modify it a certain way, you can use old vegetable cooking oil as fuel.
On to the Hybrid's! YAY! The new wave of cars (but enviromentally sound??) of the future so we can conserve gasoline. I looked at the Toyota Prius and the Ford Escape to do some comparison shopping. This is just my opinion but the Prius is just ugly as sin and its not even cheap! Nicely equiped it would cost over $30,000 bucks for this little hunk of tin foil. The gas mileage is pretty good but the electric engine is only used when you're doing under 25. Thats fine if you live in NYC or something but out here in Tampa, I'm hitting at least 60mph on my way home most of the time so the gas savings go right out of the window. I also took a look at the Ford Escape. This thing looks just like the gas version but its supposed to get better gas mileage hm......... after looking at its specs it maybe gets 2-3 miles per gallon more than the gas version of the car. How is that supposed to save you money? I was also thinking long term and I wondered, in about 6 years I'm going to have to replace all the batteries for my hybrid. The batteries will cost around eighty bucks a pop and there's a whole battery pack stuffed somewhere in the car which increases its overall weight. Not to mention the battery acid is highly toxic, where are we gonna be dumping this stuff? Almost seems more prudent to chug diesel in my car than throw out batteries.
Well thats my rant on hybrids and diesels :P I'm sticking to my gas efficient Altima until someone comes up with a car with plenty of power and cheap fuel for it. Why can't we have a Mr. Fusion like in the end of the movie Back to the Future? Imaging running your car on your trash, that would be AWESOME!
For all your Mac Haters
Monday, September 26, 2005
Crazy Frog
Thursday, September 22, 2005
A Bad Day
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Hurricane Rita
Wow, this is what I call a big ass storm. I think we're starting to run out of names for this hurricane season and hurricane season doesn't end until the end of November. This looks a lot like the past few I've experienced in the past year or so when things really started to pick up. If I see one of these bad boys coming my way, I'm taking the first plane to CT.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
A new link to an old friend
Do you remember.........
Monday, September 19, 2005
Return of the Godfather
Google Earth
I've used it just to find out different places that I know and I noticed that ALL of freakin NJ is mapped out just fine but where I used to live in CT has NO maps at all. How freakin insulting! I couldn't find my mom's house or anything on the map. Bleh, maybe it will be more useful later on when they finally get around to mapping CT. Other than that, Google Earth is pretty bad ass.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Burnout Revenge!
In the mean time here's the link to EA Games' website
Friday, September 16, 2005
I'm back from Cali!

I'm finally back from Cali and I'm so glad to be home. It was a fun trip. I hit up Rodeo Drive to look around at all the rich people stuff and I must say I'll take Greenwich CT anyday of the week. I thought it would be nicer or something but I guess not. I have some pics to prove I was actually there. I have one of the smog, one of the Beverly Hills Sign and of course one of Rodeo Drive.
Just a note on my flight home. I had to be on one of the oldest planes that Delta flies. It was an aging 767. You can tell its old because they had to manually put up screen so we can watch in flight movies and stuff. Now thats old school! Not to mention the bins weren't made for the hand carry luggage that people use today so it was a pain in the ass just trying to get your stuff on board. Delta should just concentrate on Song and get rid of all their old planes because they're so not worth flying.
And now some pictures.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
My trip to LA, Part 1!
I got up insanely early on Sunday (4:30AM) for a 7AM flight. The flight itself wasn't bad, I must say that Song Airlines has some awesome interactive TV where I played trivia games and watched Direct TV. Once we landed I landed I went through the struggles of finding a Super Shuttle to take me to my hotel. The hotel itself was pretty awesome. I have a nice balcony that I use a lot and I had two beds as well. The coolest part about Sunday was that I was able to go out and eat lunch with my internet sis Ali. We went to some diner that I can't remember, I think the name of it is on her blog, and we also went with her boyfriend Alex. I've known Ali for close to a decade but this is the first time I've actually met her. I wasn't able to stay out long with Ali and Alex since I had to go to my first conference meeting at 4PM. The conference begining was fine, not too interesting but all in all a good start. I ended the day watching lots of TV and cursing a lot because I had no internet.
Monday was the first full day and I had to be there before 8AM. I am not a morning person in any sense so getting up that early is almost foreign to me. There were lots of good speakers but it was SO LONG! I didn't get out till about 6:15. The thing that made up for it was that I went out to eat at Houston's and had my Hawaiian Steak which is just da bomb! I ended the night again watching more TV since there isn't much else to do around here. Oh and there was the LA black out too which was fairly interesting.
Tuesday started off pretty good. They keynote speaker was some Stanford University Law professor and he had the best presentation so far. I'm going to search the CD I got at the begining for his presentation so I can look at it some more. I brought my laptop in but the wireless in the conference rooms didn't work. How crappy is that? There are over 800 techs in LA for this conference and the wireless wouldn't work. I'm sure between all of us we could have gotten it to work so we could at least have done SOMETHING. I had something interesting for lunch, I went out with my co-worker to this place at the mall but they "californiaized" it by adding this weird dressing, avocado's, COLD noodles, and mango. Btw I ordered Salmon. LOL
It's now Wednesday and I'm sitting here writing this blog waiting for the conference keynote to start up. Fun eh? I should be able to get online more later on today booyah!!
Saturday, September 10, 2005
I'm going going, to Cali Cali
Thursday, September 08, 2005
US Open last night
Oh and on the Lindsay Davenport match. I gotta say she was truely horrible. She was going up against a teenager with the weakest serve in womens tennis and got her ass handed to her on a platter. The finals are this weekend, too bad I'm flying out on Sunday to a conference, I'm going to miss the mens finals :(
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Crazy Cat
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Being sick stinks
Mmm these Halls aren't a bad consolation prize for right now though..............
More gas craziness
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Where's the gas?
Friday, September 02, 2005
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Done with the Da Vinci Code
No new brakes for me
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Whoohoo Mario Baseball!
Monday, August 29, 2005
One weird looking kitten
Sweet new shirts
This one is Crater dyed, I like the look of the mask.
This one is a long sleeve that I got on the suggestion from my wife, she has better taste than I do in clothes and I'll use this in the winter time.
This one is SUPER sweet looking. I like that its a black shirt although I think it would have been ultra sweet as a long sleeve too but its too hot in Florida to warrant one.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Burnout Revenge is AWESOME
I gotta say this game is so freakin sweet. I was able to take short cuts, hit cars and do all types of other crazy shit. I am definately getting this game when it comes out without question!! :)
Friday, August 26, 2005
Another Friday
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Slowly but surely
A good example would be yesterday. There was this flying thing thats a bitch to kill since it has 6 laser guns, 4 rocket launchers, and it can FLY! For this section, there were two of them. I messed up when I tried to kill the first one (that appeared from thin air, that really pissed me off) and I wasted my EMP grenade so I couldn't disable it. I had to try and kill the bastard the old fashioned way and lost half my health.
Since I didn't feel like dying and starting all over again, I used my sniper scope and just started looking around for enemies and killing them with a few head shots. After eliminating like 5 bots this way, I scanned the sky just to be on the safe side and I found another one of those blasted flying things floating around. Being the sneaky bastard that I am, I stood behind some cover and just used all my sniper ammo on it until it died, very satisfying and I saved a lot of health. I guess we'll see how the rest of the game goes, I think about half way through even though I've gone through about 20 levels. Only another 20 to go!
Google Desktop Search 2 Beta
However there is one module that doesn't work and thats the Gmail tool. It's supposed to grab new gmail and show it to you on the sidebar but it does this so slowly, I'm still using my Gmail notifier that I got way back. I prefer to experiment with my work PC than do it at home so as not to corrupt my install. So for the forseeable future, I'm sticking with the MSN search at home.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Mario Baseball is sweet
All done with my book
Monday, August 22, 2005
Finally a working DVD
Mario Baseball
Angels and Demons
I gotta say, its been a long time since I've read a book that wasn't a text book or a kids book that had pictures in it. I like how it breaks up the text and they're really colorful. My only complaint right now about the book is that the chapters are really short sometimes. I had a chapter that lasted I think 2 paragraphs. I think I'm up to page 160 something and I'm already on chapter 47 or something like that. Don't get me wrong, I think the book is really good but I'm kinda bummed that the book was so much cheaper at Amazon. I'll probably get the Da Vinci Code from Amazon but I need to find an item thats about 2-3 bucks so I can qualify for super saver shipping. Yeah I know I'm freakin cheap. :P
Saturday, August 20, 2005
The 40 Year Old Virgin
Friday, August 19, 2005
Alone at work
Flickr is the word
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Pictures on Flickr
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
The worst translation of a chinese menu ever
The office is complete!
Someone needs to re-pimp this ride

I was driving in Tampa with my wife and we were on our way to pick up one of her friends from CT so we could go to dinner when all of a sudden this weird ass car passes me with its ass in the air and with a loud muffler. I was able to pull up next to it at a traffic light. From the looks of it, its an older Suzuki Samurai but whoever pimped it out seems to need a check up from the neck up. Check out the picture LOL!
Hot n Spicy Chex Mix
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Desk chair for me!
Monday, August 15, 2005
Power tools rule
The insanity of gas prices
Sunday, August 14, 2005
What the heck is up with gas prices?
Friday, August 12, 2005
Another bad DVD from Blockbuster
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
I can't watch my DVD
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Metal Arms: Glitch in the System
Whoohoo NEW GAME! I just got it yesterday and I've been trying it out and so far this puppy is HARD. There are around 40 levels to it and I think I've completed maybe 3 of them so only 37 to go unless I get bored before then. I still have to finish Ninja Gaiden, Jade Empire, Halo 2, Panzer Dragoon Orta, and who knows what else in my collection.
But anyway, so far so good. I like playing shooters because you just get to blast the hell out of everything. I've already gotten some pretty cool weapons (even got the rocket launcher already) and blowing up bad guys is quite satisfying. The game itself is kinda hard since its easy to get blown to bits and the AI is smart as hell. For most of the gun fights, I have to take cover so I don't get fried. Just for good measure I'm including the box cover.
New Headset
I just got a sweet new headset for my Treo 650 from my brother-in-law. He got it from one of his friends but he can't use it since his phone doesn't support Bluetooth technology so he gave it to me instead. My wife happened to have a Motorola charger and it fit the headset so I don't even have to buy one now. SAWEET!! Check out the picture. For those of you that are curious, its the HS280 model, but there are newer ones out there already.
What a terrible movie
I put on our list the movie Alexander, thinking that it might be pretty decent like Troy or Gladiator. Man was I wrong! The movie was long and kinda boring. It put my wife to sleep in minutes. I watched it just because I rented it and I wanted to see how it turned out. I thought they could have done a much better movie than that and I'm not sure about all they geh references about Alexander the Great. If I was one of those movie reviewers I'd give this one a rating of 5 NEGATIVE stars, it was that bad LOL!
Monday, August 08, 2005
Arizona's RULE!
Friday, August 05, 2005
Telecommuting is AWESOME!!!
I gotta say that telecommuting for work is bad ass. Well as you know, today is Friday so there isn't really much going on at the work place today and I have to go and get some photo albums too.
I just thought that I would post my little work area. I have not one, but two computers going at the same time. The laptop is my work PC and the Dell with the mis matched parts is my home PC. There's a shell of my old PC next to it. I don't have a proper chair, just a little camp stool that I use to sit on until I move to a house or something. Come on, you know you're jealous of my set up!! ;)
Thursday, August 04, 2005
I suck at bowling
Hopefully I'll do better this weekend when I go bowling with my wife's family. Of course she totally kicked my ass, after all, she's a league bowler :) If we can do it, we'll join my company league in the fall. That would be a nice thing to do on Monday nights besides staring at the TV.
Another trip to the photographer
Tomorrows trip will be my FINAL one to the wedding photographer to pickup the wedding albums and to also get my negatives. I have to drive my ass all the way to Pinellas Park to get them (if you want to know how far it is, look it up on Google maps or something :P) Hopefully I can get them scanned onto a CD then I can do some major posting online. I'm probably going to use Flickr to host them since Webshots just doesn't do it for me anymore these days. Look out for them in the coming weeks!
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Stupid Fire Alarm Test
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Now thats what I call a dinner!
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Pretty Twisted
Monday, July 25, 2005
The Weekend
Friday we started off by going to Epcot and rode the new ride called Soarin which was pretty cool since you're suspended in the air and watch a pretty neat video that gives you the sensation that you're flying. We then walked over to China for some food at the 9 Dragons. The first two dishes were so so, nothing to write home about, but the last one and the red bean ice cream were positivly awesome. We didn't stay at Epcot after that but headed over to our hotel, Disney's Wilderness Lodge, so we could change for dinner at Palio at Disney's Swan resort. Dinner was SOOO good, we had some great Italian food and afterwards we went and picked up one of those all you can drink mugs so we can get free soda's at Wilderness Lodge.
Saturday we hit up two parks, Animal Kingdom and MGM. Animal Kingdom was pretty fun, we did two rides there in the Dinoland area. The first of course being the ride Dinosaur which is always fun. The second was this mini coaster that also twirled around. It was pretty fun although I was dizzy after getting off and a little sick to my stomach. Since it was scorching hot, we went back to Wilderness Lodge for lunch (I had a nice greasy double cheeseburger with fries) and chilled out till later in the afternoon and headed for MGM to watch Lights, Motor's, Action which is the new show they have there. The place was packed! I have to admit thought the show was really really cool and I wouldn't mind having one of those stunt cars so I can tear through the streets of Tampa like a wild man. That night we went to some place where they serve buffet style food and stuff but they DELIVER! AWESOME!! After getting stuffed at dinner we had a sweet banana type dessert and then went BACK to MGM to see Fantasmic which neither of us have seen before since we normally head home long before this show comes on. The show was very impressive and I liked how they used water as projector screens for some of the sequences in the show.
Sunday! Time to head on home but not before going to Pollo Tropical in Orlando for some plantains and chicken! We also decided to walk around the Mall at Millenia which is also fun and relaxing. We decided to go home in the early afternoon to relax at home (I also wanted to play with my new Bose stereo system that I got for my birthday) and to make sure our cats were ok.
Next up, Claire's birthday dinner tomorrow night......... mmmmmm its gonna be good!!
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Thursday, July 21, 2005
M&M's and Star Wars??
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
No Jury Duty for ME!!
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
First Place Baby!!
Monday, July 18, 2005
More Wedding Pictures
Harry Potter x2

On Saturday, the Harry Potter book came out. I saw all the news stories and what not but I was personally waiting for the copy I ordered from Amazon. After wasting the entire morning at home (well to me it wasn't a waste, I was rebuilding a computer from scratch), I went out with the wife, for what I really can't remember at this point. When we came back I decided to check the management office to see if it was delivered. To my surprise it was closed at 4pm because of some pool party they were throwing. I was thinking, CRAP now I have to wait. I head on over to the mail boxes and the mail man is still there (we saw him 2 hours before putting mail away) and when he saw I had a slip of paper for a package, he told me that he had it!! SAWEETNESS! He gives me my Harry Potter book and I hand it over to my wife since I bought it for her. She knew we might start fighting over the book to read it so we headed over to Borders and got a regular version since hers is the limited edition one. Sadly, I haven't even hit chapter 2 yet since I was busy this weekend. Although check out the cool cover for both books.
The one on the right is the limited edition book, the one on the left is my "regular one". I'll see if I can make some progress this week and this weekend.
My cats are too funny
OK I know you probably can't visualize it, but you just have to take my word for it :)
The Fantastic Four
Friday, July 15, 2005
Potter Mania
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Simple Plan = Pansies
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Thanks Jackass
Yet another web browser that I like
I'm returning my Treo Holster
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Come on Emily, Bring it!!
Damn Dell
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Now thats what I call a storm!
We checked the weather reports while we were on the road and it said that for our entire route down, we'd be in a Tornado watch zone. Now that is just freakin crazy. I believe it too because the rain kept on coming down like someone turned the shower on FULL BLAST and added about 40 mph winds just to keep things interesting. Dennis is now a category 2 hurricane so its not anything to worry about and its not even coming close to Tampa or west floriduh for that matter. I guess we'll see how things go tomorrow on my way home.
Friday, July 08, 2005
How I Love Thee Friday!
Thursday, July 07, 2005
The cool color of BLUE
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Bring it on Dennis!
Monday, July 04, 2005
4th of July is cool
Typing Test
But anyway, here are my results so far: I can type about 72 words a minute with a 97% percent accuracy of what is on the screen. I'm told thats pretty decent considering that I still don't use the home keys and I sorta have my own style when it comes to typing stuff out (I'm not one of those two finger typers though) Try it out and see how well you do!
Sunday, July 03, 2005
Router upgrade complete
Happy 4th of July!
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
I need a jetski
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
You go girl!
Monday, June 27, 2005
So fresh and so clean!
I finally got my cats back from the vet and they smell nice and clean. The only thing that the vet didn't do was clip thei claws but I can deal with that for now. At least they don't smell lke kitty litter anymore :)
A new link to a blog
The Longest Yard and other stuff
Also, I just sent the cats to get cleaned. It's been ages since they've had a decent bath, I sure as hell am not going to give them one, I don't want to get scratched to death or anything because they don't like water. So they should come home smelling fresh and clean and also a touch mad at me for shoving them in cat carriers, going through a car ride and handing them over to complete strangers so they can toss them in a deep sink, hold them down, douse them with water and shampoo, and then letting them dry in a small cage. But hey at least they'll smell good!