Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Whoohoo Mario Baseball!
I just got Mario Superstar Baseball for my GameCube and its freakin awesome! I thought it might be fairly simple to play but I'm getting my ass kicked by the computer all the time because I don't know how to steal bases or go back to base when I'm caught on a fly out and it normally results in a double play. But I have to say its damn fun and the special moves of some of these players are kick ass. I should probably read the manual so I can begin to play better.
Monday, August 29, 2005
One weird looking kitten
Sweet new shirts
My wife just got me some Crazy Shirts. It's a store in Hawaii that has all these great prints. Check out some of the neat shirts I'm getting this time :)
Copy and paste my link to get to the online store ->
This one is Crater dyed, I like the look of the mask.

This one is a long sleeve that I got on the suggestion from my wife, she has better taste than I do in clothes and I'll use this in the winter time.

This one is SUPER sweet looking. I like that its a black shirt although I think it would have been ultra sweet as a long sleeve too but its too hot in Florida to warrant one.
This one is Crater dyed, I like the look of the mask.
This one is a long sleeve that I got on the suggestion from my wife, she has better taste than I do in clothes and I'll use this in the winter time.
This one is SUPER sweet looking. I like that its a black shirt although I think it would have been ultra sweet as a long sleeve too but its too hot in Florida to warrant one.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Burnout Revenge is AWESOME
I went to Best Buy today just for the hell of it since I was already in the area with my wife. I walked in and spied a huge plasma screen TV with an Xbox and it was playing a game that looked a lot like Burnout3 but it was updated....... hmmmmmmm........ that got the cogs in the brain working. I sat down and played it and lo and behold it was a demo of Burnout Revenge!
I gotta say this game is so freakin sweet. I was able to take short cuts, hit cars and do all types of other crazy shit. I am definately getting this game when it comes out without question!! :)
I gotta say this game is so freakin sweet. I was able to take short cuts, hit cars and do all types of other crazy shit. I am definately getting this game when it comes out without question!! :)
Friday, August 26, 2005
Another Friday
It is Friday once again and the week is winding down. To entertain myself, I'm listening to my Hawaiian internet radio station based in Honolulu. :)
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Slowly but surely
I've been playing my game Metal Arms off and on for the past two weeks and yesterday I progressed through three levels that were quite challenging. I have determined that I don't enjoy going in guns blazing all the time in this game because that normally gets me all shot up and killed pretty quick. I've taken to sniping at things a lot in the past few levels since the bad guys are just so freakin hard.
A good example would be yesterday. There was this flying thing thats a bitch to kill since it has 6 laser guns, 4 rocket launchers, and it can FLY! For this section, there were two of them. I messed up when I tried to kill the first one (that appeared from thin air, that really pissed me off) and I wasted my EMP grenade so I couldn't disable it. I had to try and kill the bastard the old fashioned way and lost half my health.
Since I didn't feel like dying and starting all over again, I used my sniper scope and just started looking around for enemies and killing them with a few head shots. After eliminating like 5 bots this way, I scanned the sky just to be on the safe side and I found another one of those blasted flying things floating around. Being the sneaky bastard that I am, I stood behind some cover and just used all my sniper ammo on it until it died, very satisfying and I saved a lot of health. I guess we'll see how the rest of the game goes, I think about half way through even though I've gone through about 20 levels. Only another 20 to go!
A good example would be yesterday. There was this flying thing thats a bitch to kill since it has 6 laser guns, 4 rocket launchers, and it can FLY! For this section, there were two of them. I messed up when I tried to kill the first one (that appeared from thin air, that really pissed me off) and I wasted my EMP grenade so I couldn't disable it. I had to try and kill the bastard the old fashioned way and lost half my health.
Since I didn't feel like dying and starting all over again, I used my sniper scope and just started looking around for enemies and killing them with a few head shots. After eliminating like 5 bots this way, I scanned the sky just to be on the safe side and I found another one of those blasted flying things floating around. Being the sneaky bastard that I am, I stood behind some cover and just used all my sniper ammo on it until it died, very satisfying and I saved a lot of health. I guess we'll see how the rest of the game goes, I think about half way through even though I've gone through about 20 levels. Only another 20 to go!
Google Desktop Search 2 Beta
I have the new Google desktop search app on my work computer. I was using the MSN one which worked very well I might add but I figured I'd give this thing a try. I like how its a side bar and has all these neat little modules and stuff like weather, stocks, blogs, the sticky pad, and the news. All these things seem to work pretty well so far.
However there is one module that doesn't work and thats the Gmail tool. It's supposed to grab new gmail and show it to you on the sidebar but it does this so slowly, I'm still using my Gmail notifier that I got way back. I prefer to experiment with my work PC than do it at home so as not to corrupt my install. So for the forseeable future, I'm sticking with the MSN search at home.
However there is one module that doesn't work and thats the Gmail tool. It's supposed to grab new gmail and show it to you on the sidebar but it does this so slowly, I'm still using my Gmail notifier that I got way back. I prefer to experiment with my work PC than do it at home so as not to corrupt my install. So for the forseeable future, I'm sticking with the MSN search at home.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Mario Baseball is sweet
I went to Walmart last night to see if they had the Da Vinci Code illustrated edition but they didn't. So my wife and I took a stroll to see what new DVD's just came out and lo and behold they had a demo version of Mario Baseball! I watched some demo's of the game on Gamespot so I knew how to power pitch and power hit. The game isn't as simple as one might think but its really fun when you make contact and smack the ball. I didn't get any home runs but I am definately picking this game up when it comes out.
All done with my book
Last night I finished Angels and Demons and I must say that it was a pretty cool book. I especially liked all the pictures in it. I'm paying for it today though since I went to bed last night at around 2am. I ache all over and now I need a new book to read. I guess I'll have to pick up the Da Vinci Code from Barnes and Noble or something sometime this week.
Monday, August 22, 2005
Finally a working DVD
I got Gunparade March Operation 1 on DVD again from Blockbuster and this time they sent over a brand new DVD instead of a cracked one. I waas able to finally watch all 4 episodes instead of only watching the first two. Now that I've seen it, I can now look forward to watching the next DVD's in the series since now I know whats happening.
Mario Baseball
On August 29th, I'll be heading over to Best Buy to get my copy of Mario Baseball. If its anything like Mario tennis, it should be freakin kick ass. September 13 is Burnout Revenge day so I'll have to beat Mario Baseball fairly fast. I'm still working on Metal Arms, this game is a BITCH!! haha
Angels and Demons
For some odd reason I got sucked into watching this show on the History Channel about the Da Vinci Code and now I have this urge to read the book. However, on the suggestion of a Waldenbooks employee, I have started with the book that sets up the Da Vinci Code called Angels and Demon's. Now being me, I just couldn't get the regular edition of the book, I had to go off and get the illustrated edition <- follow the link to Amazon to see it.
I gotta say, its been a long time since I've read a book that wasn't a text book or a kids book that had pictures in it. I like how it breaks up the text and they're really colorful. My only complaint right now about the book is that the chapters are really short sometimes. I had a chapter that lasted I think 2 paragraphs. I think I'm up to page 160 something and I'm already on chapter 47 or something like that. Don't get me wrong, I think the book is really good but I'm kinda bummed that the book was so much cheaper at Amazon. I'll probably get the Da Vinci Code from Amazon but I need to find an item thats about 2-3 bucks so I can qualify for super saver shipping. Yeah I know I'm freakin cheap. :P
I gotta say, its been a long time since I've read a book that wasn't a text book or a kids book that had pictures in it. I like how it breaks up the text and they're really colorful. My only complaint right now about the book is that the chapters are really short sometimes. I had a chapter that lasted I think 2 paragraphs. I think I'm up to page 160 something and I'm already on chapter 47 or something like that. Don't get me wrong, I think the book is really good but I'm kinda bummed that the book was so much cheaper at Amazon. I'll probably get the Da Vinci Code from Amazon but I need to find an item thats about 2-3 bucks so I can qualify for super saver shipping. Yeah I know I'm freakin cheap. :P
Saturday, August 20, 2005
The 40 Year Old Virgin
I just saw this movie today in the thearter and it was freakin awesome. I laughed from the minute the movie started till it ended, I highly recommend this movie. I won't give away any details so I don't spoil it for anyone :)
Friday, August 19, 2005
Alone at work
My team isn't here at work with me so its just me holding down the fort on a Friday of all days. I don't blame them though, with gas prices being the way they are I'm gonna wanna telecommute more to save money on gas.
Flickr is the word
I've been experimenting with Flickr lately and it seems pretty cool. I have cat and wedding pics posted but you can't see the wedding pic unless you're my friend or a family member. I'll get around to inviting people to see the pics. Use the little badge on the right hand side to view pics of my cats for now until I find better pics to post.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Pictures on Flickr
I just opened a new account on Flickr (they're owned by Yahoo) so I could start uploading some pics. As a test I just uploaded pictures of my cats for now. I'll get down and dirty with some better pics later on from my wedding.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
The worst translation of a chinese menu ever
The office is complete!
Someone needs to re-pimp this ride

I was driving in Tampa with my wife and we were on our way to pick up one of her friends from CT so we could go to dinner when all of a sudden this weird ass car passes me with its ass in the air and with a loud muffler. I was able to pull up next to it at a traffic light. From the looks of it, its an older Suzuki Samurai but whoever pimped it out seems to need a check up from the neck up. Check out the picture LOL!
Hot n Spicy Chex Mix
This has to be one of my favorite snacks. I actually brought a bag with me to work but now its almost gone. I need to get more so I have something to snack on when I'm at home.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Desk chair for me!
Monday, August 15, 2005
Power tools rule
I have a new drill that I got as a wedding gift (I know its more of a gift for ME but its helpful around the house). Anyway, one of our chairs for our dining table has been broken for I dunno how long. For some reason the support strut for two of the legs broke and I tried all types of glues to hold it together but nothing worked. When my wife's father came over he suggested drilling a hole and using some screws. At the time I didn't have a drill, but now that I do I decided to give it a try. I headed out to Walmart and got some long screws and then I proceeded to drill two holes in the chair. I must say I was surprised I didn't foul up and drill a hole straight through the chair leg. I put on the screw driver attachment and drilled that philips head screw right into the hole I just finished drilling out. I tested the chair for durability and it works like new again!! WHOOHOO!! Oh happy day! Now I can't wait to drill some holes in the wall so we can put up more pictures.
The insanity of gas prices
I know that people have noticed gas prices just going through the stratosphere lately. I think in one week alone, the gas prices in Tampa have gone up about 20 cents. On Friday on my way home from work (I telecommuted ;) ) I went to my local Hess station where it was $2.23 which was pretty damn cheap if you ask me. Then on Saturday, I had to go to Orlando to pick up some stuff with my wife's car and when we went to get some gas it was already at $2.39, thats a little crazy. Now this morning I drive by my local gas stations and its already hitting $2.49! Thats what I call insanity right there. I think I'm going to have to start living at the office because at this rate I won't be able to afford the commute to work.
Sunday, August 14, 2005
What the heck is up with gas prices?
Holy smokes is all I gotta say. Gas just went up $0.10 in about a day. Thats freakin insane! At this rate I'm going to have to get a scooter since its more gas efficient.
Friday, August 12, 2005
Another bad DVD from Blockbuster
Looks like I'm striking out with Gunparade March DVD 1. I got a new one today from Blockbuster and it was cracked on the side. I could watch episode 1 and 2 like the other DVD that I sent back but when I got to episode 3 and 4 I couldn't watch it and it kept on skipping or stopping. SUCKS!! Oh well, we'll try this one more time, hopefully this one will work.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
I can't watch my DVD
I received Gunparade March on DVD yesterday from Blockbuster Online (its anime so you probably never heard of the title before) and I saw that it had all these scratches and stuff and it was actually cracked a little in the center. I thought, why not, lets give it a try in the DVD player. Amazingly I was able to watch 2 out of 4 episodes on the disc. I have many many DVD players in my home (if I count my computers, I think I have 6 all together) and none of them would play all of episode 3 and it wouldn't even load 4. I sent a request to Blockbuster to send me another disc. I'm hopeful that this one won't be as bad. There are over 72 movies in the que, so I should be able to stay entertained for quite a while over the next few months :)
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Metal Arms: Glitch in the System
Whoohoo NEW GAME! I just got it yesterday and I've been trying it out and so far this puppy is HARD. There are around 40 levels to it and I think I've completed maybe 3 of them so only 37 to go unless I get bored before then. I still have to finish Ninja Gaiden, Jade Empire, Halo 2, Panzer Dragoon Orta, and who knows what else in my collection.
But anyway, so far so good. I like playing shooters because you just get to blast the hell out of everything. I've already gotten some pretty cool weapons (even got the rocket launcher already) and blowing up bad guys is quite satisfying. The game itself is kinda hard since its easy to get blown to bits and the AI is smart as hell. For most of the gun fights, I have to take cover so I don't get fried. Just for good measure I'm including the box cover.
New Headset
I just got a sweet new headset for my Treo 650 from my brother-in-law. He got it from one of his friends but he can't use it since his phone doesn't support Bluetooth technology so he gave it to me instead. My wife happened to have a Motorola charger and it fit the headset so I don't even have to buy one now. SAWEET!! Check out the picture. For those of you that are curious, its the HS280 model, but there are newer ones out there already.
What a terrible movie
My wife signed us up for Blockbuster Online so we could rent movies without having to go to the video store all the time and so far we've been pretty good with our choices. The service is pretty decent in that we get 3 movies at a time and we normally finish it in about a day or so of getting it.
I put on our list the movie Alexander, thinking that it might be pretty decent like Troy or Gladiator. Man was I wrong! The movie was long and kinda boring. It put my wife to sleep in minutes. I watched it just because I rented it and I wanted to see how it turned out. I thought they could have done a much better movie than that and I'm not sure about all they geh references about Alexander the Great. If I was one of those movie reviewers I'd give this one a rating of 5 NEGATIVE stars, it was that bad LOL!
I put on our list the movie Alexander, thinking that it might be pretty decent like Troy or Gladiator. Man was I wrong! The movie was long and kinda boring. It put my wife to sleep in minutes. I watched it just because I rented it and I wanted to see how it turned out. I thought they could have done a much better movie than that and I'm not sure about all they geh references about Alexander the Great. If I was one of those movie reviewers I'd give this one a rating of 5 NEGATIVE stars, it was that bad LOL!
Monday, August 08, 2005
Arizona's RULE!
I just came back from Ft. Lauderdale and I brought back not 1, not 2, not even 3, but 4 cases of Arizona ice tea cans. Arizona is one of my favorite ice teas and I had an opportunity to go to BJ's and get some, ha I took the last 4 cases that were available at the store! Too bad Costco doesn't carry them, they carried the bottle versions up in CT but they don't have squat down here in Tampa. MMM Arizona's for at least 2 months LOL!
Friday, August 05, 2005
Telecommuting is AWESOME!!!
I gotta say that telecommuting for work is bad ass. Well as you know, today is Friday so there isn't really much going on at the work place today and I have to go and get some photo albums too.
I just thought that I would post my little work area. I have not one, but two computers going at the same time. The laptop is my work PC and the Dell with the mis matched parts is my home PC. There's a shell of my old PC next to it. I don't have a proper chair, just a little camp stool that I use to sit on until I move to a house or something. Come on, you know you're jealous of my set up!! ;)
Thursday, August 04, 2005
I suck at bowling
Last night was $1.00 game night for league bowlers. I don't bowl in a league anymore but I'm still sanctioned by the American Bowling Association so that entitled me and my wife to a nice discount. Holy crap did I suck badly. I could normally throw at least 130-160 depending on how my day was going but last night was just TERRIBLE! I think I was throwing just above 100. I guess it didn't help that my thumb was sticking in the bowling ball hole and the A/C in the bowling alley was all but non-existant.
Hopefully I'll do better this weekend when I go bowling with my wife's family. Of course she totally kicked my ass, after all, she's a league bowler :) If we can do it, we'll join my company league in the fall. That would be a nice thing to do on Monday nights besides staring at the TV.
Hopefully I'll do better this weekend when I go bowling with my wife's family. Of course she totally kicked my ass, after all, she's a league bowler :) If we can do it, we'll join my company league in the fall. That would be a nice thing to do on Monday nights besides staring at the TV.
Another trip to the photographer
Tomorrow is FRIDAY!! (BOOYAH!!) and I am going to be working from home. I do this every once in a while when there is an errand I have to run thats fairly far from work or home. I not only get to charge my time to work because I am working but it lets me stay home with my cats.
Tomorrows trip will be my FINAL one to the wedding photographer to pickup the wedding albums and to also get my negatives. I have to drive my ass all the way to Pinellas Park to get them (if you want to know how far it is, look it up on Google maps or something :P) Hopefully I can get them scanned onto a CD then I can do some major posting online. I'm probably going to use Flickr to host them since Webshots just doesn't do it for me anymore these days. Look out for them in the coming weeks!
Tomorrows trip will be my FINAL one to the wedding photographer to pickup the wedding albums and to also get my negatives. I have to drive my ass all the way to Pinellas Park to get them (if you want to know how far it is, look it up on Google maps or something :P) Hopefully I can get them scanned onto a CD then I can do some major posting online. I'm probably going to use Flickr to host them since Webshots just doesn't do it for me anymore these days. Look out for them in the coming weeks!
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Stupid Fire Alarm Test
My apartment complex is having all the fire alarms tested to make sure that they are working correctly. However, this kinda stinks because I have to put my cats in our main bathroom. It's not that its cramped or anything, its just that its not very good to keep two cats in small quarters by themselves. One really bad thing is that the management office has no set "plan" on checking the complex so they can't give out specific dates. I don't particularly like this arrangement because that means I have to potentially keep them cooped up in there till Friday. WEAK!!
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