I got this from my friend Luu's blog, its just too funny!
" First we state that girls require time and money
Girls = Time x Money
And as we all know "time is money"
Time = Money
Girls = Money x Money =(Money)2
And because "money is the root of all evil"
Money = square root of "evil"
Girls = (square root of "evil")2
And we are forced to conclude that: Girls = "Evil "
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Cats in heat

Let me be clear on this, these two cats do not belong to me. They actually belong to my sister in law. She just recently got the gray one (the current name is Silver but it'll change soon) and the orange one is her original cat Tigger.
Tigger is neutered but Silver isn't spayed so I'm think something clicked in his mind when he sniffed Silver's butt or something and he started going at it with her. The pics tell it all and the expression on Tiggers face in the second picture is CLASSIC!
Monday, November 28, 2005
The blue screen of death
Everyone who's ever used Windows knows of this magical screen. It's big, its bad, its blue, and very cryptic. All you know is that you have to restart your computer and pray it doesn't happen again. I just got one trying to view game footage on Teamxbox.com. Thats the first time in months that I've actually had to experience that. Things seem better but are they??? Hence the mystery that is the blue screen of DEATH!! Only time will tell......................
Weekend Movie Craziness
Thanksgiving weekend is really long and to pass some of the time I saw two movies with my wife and in-laws. Of course we just had to see Harry Potter 4. I'll admit that it was a good movie but I for some reason I still think that the first and second movies were better. I wanted to see some of the Quidditch World Cup but that was sliced out of the movie, and some of the back ground story wasn't as strong but thats just my personal opinion. All in all a good movie and I'll get it on DVD to complete my collection of Potter films.
I also saw Just Friends which was freakin funny as hell. Thats definately one movie I'll probably be getting on DVD. It has Ryan Reynolds (Van Wylder) in it and he was able to make the movie really funny. The fact that he lip syncs the song "I Swear" by All 4 One in the beginning and end of the movie is almost too funny to watch. Now I have to wait and see if there are any other movies that will be worth watching in the next few weeks as Christsmas fast approaches.
I also saw Just Friends which was freakin funny as hell. Thats definately one movie I'll probably be getting on DVD. It has Ryan Reynolds (Van Wylder) in it and he was able to make the movie really funny. The fact that he lip syncs the song "I Swear" by All 4 One in the beginning and end of the movie is almost too funny to watch. Now I have to wait and see if there are any other movies that will be worth watching in the next few weeks as Christsmas fast approaches.
Friday, November 25, 2005
Day after Thanksgiving maddness!
The day after Thanksgiving is the day that everyone has great sales and everything but I hae to wonder whether or not its worth it. Nit only is it way crowded, you have to get up early so the stuff you want isn't sold out by 8am. Almost all the stuff I'm going to be buying is online so I don't have to be too concerned about not finding what I need to get. And if I have to pay a little more and avoid the stores, hell why not!
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Only on Family Guy
.... Would they even consider calling the state of Florida "God's waiting room" LOL!!!
New website added
Yet another one of my friends from up North has decided to start their own webpage. Bout freakin time I say.............lol! Just click on Laurie's Website on the right hand side and it will take you to her site.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Where the hell is it???
On a suggestion from my wife, I called up EB Games.com to find out when my Xbox 360 is shipping since there is no ship date on the website. The customer rep just told me that there is no ship date because they don't know when they're going to get more of the machines in. That just sucks balls right there but I'm a patient man, I can wait a little while longer. If I have to wait till 2006, then Houston, we'll have ourselves a big problem! I want my Xbox 360 NOW!
Xbox 360 Maddness
Last night I went to Target to get something with my wife and it was around 7:30 and there was a line forming outside to get an Xbox 360. My wife pre-ordered mine but its still at EB Games flaoting around somewhere since it was ordered online. I'm not that into video games that I'll wait my ass outside just to get one. I'll be patient and wait for mine to come in the mail :)
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Freakin addicting
I got my wife a Sony PSP recently and got her a game called Lumines. It's kind of like Tetris but instead of lines you have to make blocks (basically line up 4 of the little squares into a box or rectangle) and its just as addicting as Tetris ever was. I am proud to say that for about 3 days I had the high score on the game until my wife kicked my ass (she's a Tetris Master). I'll have to practice so I can get the high score again even though it will probably take at least a month to beat her current high score :)
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Beavis and Butt-head
Growing up, I didn't have cable TV but right now I'm watching the freakin movie and its too funny. I know plenty of people will call me dumb for liking this movie but if you check the IQ in my previous post, you'll see I am a genius :P I am CORNHOLIO!! I need TP for my bunghole........hahahaha CLASSIC!
I am the greatest.......IQ of 130!!!
Your IQ Is 130 |
Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius Your General Knowledge is Genius |
Phew, the week is over!
This week was certainly a lively one. I had an offsite meeting for my company from Tuesday till Thursday which wasn't bad. The only crappy part was that I had to wake up early in order to go. That just totally threw my days off so I had to just take off Friday. I also bought my wife an early Christmas gift. It's not just for her, both of us can use it but it is mainly for her to use when we travel. I am talking about a mighty PSP! I broke down and actually bought a gaming system from Sony. I had a bias against Sony because their size and power destroyed my Sega Dreamcast. Oh and for the first time in I'd say almost 6 years, I was forced to buy software! How fucked up is that? I bought software that would convert DVD's to PSP formats so I can load them up on memory sticks so it can be watched on the PSP without having to buy a disc. Not a bad idea, its kind of time consuming but what can you do?
Anyway, my wife is up in CT for the weekend to attend her sisters bridal shower. I opted to stay here at home to convert more DVD's to PSP format so we can be ready for when we go to Fort Lauderdale for Thanksgiving. I also wanted to spend some time with my cats since I feel bad for leaving them home alone so often. Next week is a full week, then a short week because of Thanksgiving, oh how sweet it is!!
Anyway, my wife is up in CT for the weekend to attend her sisters bridal shower. I opted to stay here at home to convert more DVD's to PSP format so we can be ready for when we go to Fort Lauderdale for Thanksgiving. I also wanted to spend some time with my cats since I feel bad for leaving them home alone so often. Next week is a full week, then a short week because of Thanksgiving, oh how sweet it is!!
Monday, November 07, 2005
Happy Birthday Thumper :)
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Ninja Gaiden is DONE!
I did it! I finally kicked the crap out of Ninja Gaiden. Now I have to find another game to beat up on. I got a few more unlockable treats in the game like a new costume and the Very Hard difficulty level. Only a few more days till Xbox 360 is here :)
Hurricanes bring out the "DUH" in people
I recently read this article in the St Pete Times detailing how people in South Florida were getting mad because the government wasn't fast enough giving free hand outs after Hurricane Wilma. According to the article, most of the people demanding the hand outs didn't even prepare properly for the hurricane in the first place and now they're blaming the government for not helping fast enough?? Thats a load of bullshit right there. If you know a hurricane is coming, you get yourself a shit load of supplies and fill up the gas tank of your cars a few days ahead of time. If that sucker is past a category 3 and you know its coming to hit you in the ass, you hop in your car and drive your ass FAR AWAY even if you have no place to stay, its better than being killed.
And I'm willing to bet that these same people that are getting these free supplies from the Feds are going to go ape shit when their taxes go up or something and then the'll complain about that. Now if they thought ahead they would realize that by getting all these freebies from the government, we run up the deficit even more which translates into higher taxes for all, not just the poor idiots that didn't prepare and are asking for hand outs. I can almost see Gov Bush contemplating an income tax to help pay for all the disaster relief and planning and I wouldn't blame him one bit for doing it because all this aid costs tons of money. I'm lucky that no really big hurricanes have hit Western Florida yet but if I see one coming, my wife and my cats are heading to CT!
And I'm willing to bet that these same people that are getting these free supplies from the Feds are going to go ape shit when their taxes go up or something and then the'll complain about that. Now if they thought ahead they would realize that by getting all these freebies from the government, we run up the deficit even more which translates into higher taxes for all, not just the poor idiots that didn't prepare and are asking for hand outs. I can almost see Gov Bush contemplating an income tax to help pay for all the disaster relief and planning and I wouldn't blame him one bit for doing it because all this aid costs tons of money. I'm lucky that no really big hurricanes have hit Western Florida yet but if I see one coming, my wife and my cats are heading to CT!
Friday, November 04, 2005
More Foamy Maddness
Since I'm blocked from going to illwillpress.com at work, I had to go find a different site to get my Foamy Fix while I'm at the office. I went to friendsoffoamy.com and they have ALL of the episodes. How freakin cool is that? That squirrel cracks me up!!
Thursday, November 03, 2005
They finally fixed it...... well mostly
After about 4 months, Verizon Wireless has gotten my phone bill right. Back in late June, I got a Treo 650 PDA/Cell Phone and I got a phone and data plan. This makes my cell phone bill pretty high all on its own but Verizon hit me with a HUGE billing error, like almost $800 for going over my data useage. After calling customer service about 4 times over the past 4 months, they finally reversed the charges. Now the only thing I have to get them to do is reverse the charges for all the late fees I incurred. I still payed my bill on time, but I only paid the charges I truely owed. I'm not paying late fees on almost $800 that was wrongfully billed to me. Thats just horse crap right there! Hopefully they'll reverse those charges in the next couple of days and I can get to my regular billing cycle again.
It's still working!
Praise be to the Scat Mat! I heard my older cat meowing a little this morning but not nearly as much as he used to when he could just sit at my door and try and get me to come outside. Ahhh what a peaceful sleep I had.
On the Ninja Gaiden note, I'm about half way through level 15. I cheated and went on GameSpot and read the game guide to figure out where I was. Maybe by this weekend I'll be able to get through level 15 and on to the final level for some serious ass whoopin booyah!!
On the Ninja Gaiden note, I'm about half way through level 15. I cheated and went on GameSpot and read the game guide to figure out where I was. Maybe by this weekend I'll be able to get through level 15 and on to the final level for some serious ass whoopin booyah!!
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
All hail the Scat Mat!
For those of you that know me, you know I have two cats. My older cat Thumper I've had for almost a year longer than my younger cat Nala. Since I basically raised Thumper, he identifies me as his primary playmate a lot of the time (especially at night). He recently took up scratching my bedroom door at night and I've tried a lot of ways to stop it. Spraying him seemed to not work, putting double sided tape didn't do any good either, and locking him in the bathroom or cat carrier wasn't very nice either since it restricted his freedom. So I looked around and found the Scat Mat. Some people might think its cruel but it only restricts him from scratching my bedroom door. What it is, is a shock mat. It just gives him a slight jolt, like static electricity to keep him away from the door. I tried it for the first time last night and it seems to be working so far. He hasn't meowed or attempted to scratch the door. I did find him this morning resting just beyond the mat. Nala seems to be steering very far from the mat, she probably got shocked sometime last night as well and knows to stay away. Hopefully it will keep on working and I'll get a good nights sleep :)
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
New Rochelle Humane Society Trip
This past weekend while I was home I went to the New Rochelle Humane Society with my friend Lucy. Lucy wants to get a cat but somehow couldn't get to the humane society so I decided to "make" her go. There were tons of cats there up for adoption but there weren't too many kittens. We saw one that she liked but it escaped from its cage when we opened it and hid under the cages so it was hard to determine if it was very friendly or not.
One of the funnier things that happened were two black cats that were outside when we were leaving. These two were just hanging around and not doing anything in particular. Lucy yells at them to turn around and they actually did it which surprised me. I went up to one and told it to sit and lo and behold it sat down. Those little buggers were pretty smart. Too bad they were having a grand old time afterwards rolling around in the dirt. Hurry up and get your damn cat Lucy!! That deer skin in your basement is the perfect scratching post :P
One of the funnier things that happened were two black cats that were outside when we were leaving. These two were just hanging around and not doing anything in particular. Lucy yells at them to turn around and they actually did it which surprised me. I went up to one and told it to sit and lo and behold it sat down. Those little buggers were pretty smart. Too bad they were having a grand old time afterwards rolling around in the dirt. Hurry up and get your damn cat Lucy!! That deer skin in your basement is the perfect scratching post :P
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