I saw these commercials while watching the Winter X Games which btw was freakin AWESOME! Go view the commercials, they're funny! Go to the site and click on The Ad's. Enjoy!
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Sunday, January 29, 2006
A strange observation
This is something I never thought about before but the roads down here in Florida are so smooth compared to back home in CT. I was up in CT in January and its only now that I actually appreciate how nice and smooth all the roads are down here. There are exceptions of course but at least it doesn't feel like I'm riding a jack hammer while I'm cruising in my car going to work. Tomorrow is another day of work, absolutely dreading it!
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Ahh memories!!
I'm down here in South Florida and I had to take my wife to a job interview in Miami. My wife's sisters live in Weston so its a bit of a drive to get there (30 minutes without traffic). After the interview we had to drive back on I-95. Now driving 95 really took me back because no matter where you are, I-95 is always the same. Lots of traffic, multiple accidents, and just people driving badly in general. I had the nostalgic feeling for all of 10 minutes until I started getting pissed because it took an hour and a half to get home................ so much for nostalgia :P
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Damn traffic
This morning I was not a happy camper. I was STUCK behind a truck and couldn't get around it. The two other lanes had some weak drivers that were keeping pace with the truck for some odd reason which backed everything up. Regardless, my ass was late to work! BOOOO!!!
Monday, January 23, 2006
More Stewies Pics
Sunday, January 22, 2006
It's going to be a good week at work
Most people consider a good week at work being a week full of nothing to do. Mine is going to be full of meetings but thats not whats going to make it a good week. First thing, I'm going to take Friday off to see the in-laws in South Florida which should be fun. I still don't like leaving my cats alone for days at a time but I don't think I'll be leaving them alone for days at time much after this trip until the summer time. Second, and most importantly, its going to be jeans week at work and I'll be able to wear my favorite jersey at work too! That means I get to break out the NY Yankee jersey's that I have in my closet. WHOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man I love my job sometimes :)
I've started playing the only game I ignored when I got my Xbox 360 and thats Kameo: Elements of Power. I'm taking a break from Project Gotham Racing (I hate running my car through cones), and Perfect Dark Zero (you can only stand getting killed in 10 seconds so many times and by the computer no less) for the time being and I'm concentrating on this game. Suprisingly this is one of the more fun games that I've had. The only thing thats kind of a drag is that you have to search around for stuff and the controls are a little off when you're trying to whoop ass.
The graphics are freakin awesome and I love the funny animations that are included. Maybe I'll be lucky and this will turn out to be a long game although I hear that it should take a gamer about 10 hours to complete. I like to take my time with games so normally it takes me twice as long as a normal person since I like sniffing around for goodies in the game. Now I wonder what game to get next...................... I'm thinking maybe a PC game (I haven't done that in a long time) called Star Wars: Empire at War!
The graphics are freakin awesome and I love the funny animations that are included. Maybe I'll be lucky and this will turn out to be a long game although I hear that it should take a gamer about 10 hours to complete. I like to take my time with games so normally it takes me twice as long as a normal person since I like sniffing around for goodies in the game. Now I wonder what game to get next...................... I'm thinking maybe a PC game (I haven't done that in a long time) called Star Wars: Empire at War!
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Connecticut Wedding Trip
This past weekend I went up to CT for my sister in law's wedding. She lives in South Florida but decided to have it up north so it won't be such a hassle for friends and family to attend. The wedding was great and the food excellent. However, I have to blame her new husband for wishing for snow on the day of the wedding. Not only did it get bone chilling COLD (we're talking teens here people and thats without windchill), but the roads were a total mess!
I had the honor of being able to drive my wife's mothers Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder (that was a lot of fun) to the wedding and the day before I drove Claire's old truck to run errands. The Church and Reception were both in upstate CT and if anyone knows upstate CT, there's practically nothing there but woods and really small roads that twist and turn a lot. There were a couple of downed trees along the route and it didn't help things that I didn't have windshield washer fluid for the car until after I arrived at the church.
The bachelor party that I attended was kick ass and I met some really cool guys that were part of the wedding party. I'll post up some pics later on of the wedding. Not many pics of me though since I'm the photographer :)
I had the honor of being able to drive my wife's mothers Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder (that was a lot of fun) to the wedding and the day before I drove Claire's old truck to run errands. The Church and Reception were both in upstate CT and if anyone knows upstate CT, there's practically nothing there but woods and really small roads that twist and turn a lot. There were a couple of downed trees along the route and it didn't help things that I didn't have windshield washer fluid for the car until after I arrived at the church.
The bachelor party that I attended was kick ass and I met some really cool guys that were part of the wedding party. I'll post up some pics later on of the wedding. Not many pics of me though since I'm the photographer :)
Friday, January 13, 2006
I love Stewies
I'm back in the northeast and I just took a trip to my favorite grocery store which is only available up here. Stew Leonards is the largest dairy store in the world and they also have some of the best food anywhere. I used to go there all the time when I used to live up. I think I want to retire back up here because there is nothing like living in your home town :)
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Oh happy day!
Yesterday was an excellent day! I found out my company just hired my wife!! Whoohoo!! Time to partay and celebrate! :)
Monday, January 09, 2006
I beat my first Xbox 360 Game!!
Last night I was able to beat Call of Duty 2 for Xbox 360. I have to admit that the game was plenty challenging since I can't remember the number of times I died in the game. The last level was tons of fun! Kill ton's of Germans, and put sticky bombs on 2 tanks while not getting killed..... yeah like thats easy! Now that I've beaten the game, I think I'm either going to move on to Project Gotham Racing (I'm pretty far along in the game so it makes sense to continue it) or I'll start clearing house on Perfect Dark Zero (I'm on Level 4 of this game and so far its been kicking my ass thoroughly).
I think I'm pretty much done with Dead or Alive 4 but I haven't gotten all the costumes yet or the final unlockable character but its only a matter of time. I've beaten the game with everyone else though in Story Mode and the end movies for the characters are pretty freakin sweet if I do say so myself. Tonight I shall be doing some more gaming since this weekend I won't have any time to do so at all.
I think I'm pretty much done with Dead or Alive 4 but I haven't gotten all the costumes yet or the final unlockable character but its only a matter of time. I've beaten the game with everyone else though in Story Mode and the end movies for the characters are pretty freakin sweet if I do say so myself. Tonight I shall be doing some more gaming since this weekend I won't have any time to do so at all.
Cold mornings stink
Normally I don't mind cold mornings. The only time cold mornings stink is when my car refuses to start. My car is relatively new, its a 2002 Nissan Altima but for some reason my particular Altima doesn't like the cold. When its cold and I don't drive my car for a few days it just kinda turns over but the engine never catches so the car won't start. After cranking it for like 15-20 minutes the car will finally start but its still quite frustrating. I think my car just needs a garage or something so its not just sitting out there in the cold. Then I think my problems will be solved! Anyone wanna give me money to buy a house so I can garage my car???
Friday, January 06, 2006
Kickin Virtual Ass
I got in some good game time last night. I was able to play through a level of Call of Duty 2 and get a few more costumes for Dead or Alive 4. I still play Call of Duty 2 more than Perfect Dark Zero right now but only because I'm so far into the game I might as well finish it. I think I have another 2 levels to go and then the game should be finished.
Last night I was able to do something I've never been able to do before. I was able to beat the last boss character in Dead or Alive 4 on the first try using Ryu Hayabusa. Normally he's not even close to being my best character but for some reason I was on fire when I used him. For those of you that know Dead or Alive 4, the AI for the last boss character is really really cheap when it comes to hitting you and disappearing as you're laying the smack down on it. But last night, I kicked her butt but didn't win a new costume since I had them all......... Oh well, maybe tonight I'll finish another level in Call of Duty 2 and hopefully I won't get my ass whipped.
Last night I was able to do something I've never been able to do before. I was able to beat the last boss character in Dead or Alive 4 on the first try using Ryu Hayabusa. Normally he's not even close to being my best character but for some reason I was on fire when I used him. For those of you that know Dead or Alive 4, the AI for the last boss character is really really cheap when it comes to hitting you and disappearing as you're laying the smack down on it. But last night, I kicked her butt but didn't win a new costume since I had them all......... Oh well, maybe tonight I'll finish another level in Call of Duty 2 and hopefully I won't get my ass whipped.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Treo 700W has arrived!
Right now I have my sights on getting an SD card for my PDA as well as the TomTom GPS Navigation 5 software and GPS device so I can use my PDA for GPS in my car. That should be really useful in the coming months. Now if I only had money to actually get it.............
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Late night DOA-fest
Last night I stayed up till 1AM playing Dead or Alive 4. I was determined to get at least all the end movies for the characters and I pretty much succeeded. I have even unlocked 3 of the 4 hidden characters. Now I have to work on getting all of the new costumes for the characters which is why I was up so late. I must say that I'm starting to get a better hang of the game, I can semi counter people now but I still don't know even 1/4 of the moves that can be done and the practice section isn't all that great. I tried it last night and the moves are kinda hard to pull off but I'm going to work on it some more later so I can hopefully counter the cheap moves the computer does to me.
I need to dive into some of the other games so I don't lose my skills in playing them. Maybe I'll finish Call of Duty 2 this weekend and then start up on Perfect Dark Zero after that. PGR3 will be afterwards but that depends on my mood. Tonight, more gaming maddness with DOA4! WOOHOO!!
I need to dive into some of the other games so I don't lose my skills in playing them. Maybe I'll finish Call of Duty 2 this weekend and then start up on Perfect Dark Zero after that. PGR3 will be afterwards but that depends on my mood. Tonight, more gaming maddness with DOA4! WOOHOO!!
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Jason's Xbox 360 Game Reviews
Welcome to my personal views about the new Xbox 360 games I have the absolute pleasure of owning. First I want to thank my wife Claire for getting me the 360 for Christmas and also for not getting too mad when I play hours on end. Now on to my impressions about each game.
First up is Dead or Alive 4. This is my most recent game and 3 in the series that I own. I have Dead or Alive 2 for Dreamcast and Dead or Alive 3 for Xbox. I have to say that without a doubt this is the toughest one I've played. The AI is cheap as hell with its shots and I have no idea how to do half of the new combo moves. On the other hand it is quite satisfying when I finally am able to beat someone and lord over them like I am the Master of creation. The visuals are just bad ass all around. I wish I understood the story more and if there was an easier difficulty setting so it wouldn't take me about 30 minutes to get past the last guy. The new characters are SWEET. I'll probably end up using them a lot during survival matches but right now I'm concentrating on getting all the new costumes and that means playing tons of story mode. It should keep me occupied for a good long while I hope.
Call of Duty 2 is just awesome. It's pretty hard at first but once you get the hang of it, its just a great first person shooter. Since I have the original Xbox, I approach a lot of the first person shooter games like I do Halo. This is one game you should not play like Halo. It's hard to aim well in the game because the weapons are replica's of what was used back then and the weapons back then weren't all that accurate. If you have a machine gun, you gotta get up fairly close to waste someone. I don't even bother with pistols. I like the smoke grenade though, that has helped me out a ton by putting up a huge smoke screen to hide my ass while I went about flanking someone and pasting their guts on a wall or something. I'm almost done with this one and its one of my favorites thus far. Highly recommend picking this one up.
I am typically a Burnout kind of person where the cars are fast and you can hit things. PGR3 is more like a simulation where everything is pretty realistic except for crashing but thats ok. The physics in the game is pretty dead on in terms of what would happen if you were doing some of the corners in a real car and thats a good thing. The graphics and sounds are awesome and I love the fact I can buy all these super expensive cars like Porches and Bently's and tons of other cars that I've never even heard of. The racing action at first doesn't seem fast but when you get some of the more powerful cars it really ramps up. I prefer doing the races but there are a bunch of challenges that you have to win as well in order to progress in the game. I could live without these since I'm not good at them but I guess it all goes back into making me a better driver.
Kameo I haven't played a lot of but from what I've seen its pretty fun to turn into different monsters and kick their asses. I'll give a better update once I've actually sat down and played it for a good long time.
Wow, thats what I have to say about this game. It's pretty hard and its another first person shooter like Call of Duty 2. The difference here is that stealth is the name of the game. You have to be sneaky a lot and you have tons of weapons with scopes and stuff. One of the best features is the ability to take cover behind objects, pop out and bust a cap in someones ass. The game is pretty rough, I'm only on level 4 (I got Dead or Alive 4 so I stopped playing this game for a little bit). The enemies are pretty intelligent too, they'll run around to make themselves harder to hit and take cover around objects to avoid your fire. I'm going to try and play this a little more this weekend. I'm sure once I get a better handle on the controls I'll be able to kick some butt in this one.
Well thats it in a nutshell. For professional reviews on all this stuff, I recommend Gamespot, IGN, or Teamxbox. If I don't blog a lot over the coming days, its because I'm having too much fun playing my games :)
Well thats it in a nutshell. For professional reviews on all this stuff, I recommend Gamespot, IGN, or Teamxbox. If I don't blog a lot over the coming days, its because I'm having too much fun playing my games :)
It's been a while.......
Since I've put anything up on my blog. I've been out of the office for a good long time and I didn't feel like getting online and blogging about whats been going on. So now that I'm back and it's pretty close to my lunch break, I thought I'd give an update.
I recently went on a trip to Hawaii to visit my father, that was fun and I got to eat real Chinese food for once. I have pics from my trip on previous posts so I won't bother reciting what I did. What was significant to me was the trip back. Never in my entire life have I ever wanted to get off a plane so bad. We hit major turbulance from Hawaii all the way to Texas. Thats around 3000 miles of just going up and down, up and down and watching everything on the plane shake. They even suspended food service for most of the flight because the pilot told the flight attendants to stay in their seats. It almost made me swear off of flying for a while but I have another trip to take in January but its only like 2000 miles to NY so that should be fine.
Christmas was pretty good this year. I went to South Florida to see my wife's family and to exchange gifts. I went to midnight mass as well although I didn't stay for the whole thing, just the important parts. I'm still slightly weirded out that people hold hands during the Our Father part of the Mass. I don't know if its because I'm from the Northeast or something but I have this thing about holding hands in Church, just don't do it with me!! Stay away!! LOL My gifts this year were super sweet and I got the best ones from my wife of course. She was kind and generous enough to get me an Xbox 360!! Whoohoo! I also have 4 games to keep me occupied. I'm actually almost done with one, started 2 more and have to finally start the 4th. I have Kameo: Elements of Power, Dead or Alive 4, Call of Duty 2, and Project Gotham Racing 3. I'll probably go into each of them in some other post of mine when I get bored.
After Christmas I headed home with my wife. I had the rest of the week off because my company was awesome and gave us from Dec 23-Jan 2 off from work. So what did I do with my time off? Play video games of course!! My hands hurt from playing so much but its been fun as hell too. I even got a new game for my GameCube that was given to me from my Secret Santa called Mario Power Strikers (its a soccer game) that my wife and I play a lot since we can play against the computer together.
New Years wasn't that eventful, basically stayed up till midnight at home and toasted the new year with some Champaigne.
I saw a couple of movies too during my break. I forget what the first one was but it was a flick that my wife chose since it was her turn. I chose to see King Kong and I have to say that it was pretty good. There were some parts that were just outright nasty but the movie certainly didn't feel like it was 3 hours long.
Now I'm back to the grinder toiling away like always. Here's to another year of fun in Floriduh! Good thing I'm going up north in 2 weeks, I get to have some Garden Catering maybe and if I can swing it, yet more Chinese food :)
I recently went on a trip to Hawaii to visit my father, that was fun and I got to eat real Chinese food for once. I have pics from my trip on previous posts so I won't bother reciting what I did. What was significant to me was the trip back. Never in my entire life have I ever wanted to get off a plane so bad. We hit major turbulance from Hawaii all the way to Texas. Thats around 3000 miles of just going up and down, up and down and watching everything on the plane shake. They even suspended food service for most of the flight because the pilot told the flight attendants to stay in their seats. It almost made me swear off of flying for a while but I have another trip to take in January but its only like 2000 miles to NY so that should be fine.
Christmas was pretty good this year. I went to South Florida to see my wife's family and to exchange gifts. I went to midnight mass as well although I didn't stay for the whole thing, just the important parts. I'm still slightly weirded out that people hold hands during the Our Father part of the Mass. I don't know if its because I'm from the Northeast or something but I have this thing about holding hands in Church, just don't do it with me!! Stay away!! LOL My gifts this year were super sweet and I got the best ones from my wife of course. She was kind and generous enough to get me an Xbox 360!! Whoohoo! I also have 4 games to keep me occupied. I'm actually almost done with one, started 2 more and have to finally start the 4th. I have Kameo: Elements of Power, Dead or Alive 4, Call of Duty 2, and Project Gotham Racing 3. I'll probably go into each of them in some other post of mine when I get bored.
After Christmas I headed home with my wife. I had the rest of the week off because my company was awesome and gave us from Dec 23-Jan 2 off from work. So what did I do with my time off? Play video games of course!! My hands hurt from playing so much but its been fun as hell too. I even got a new game for my GameCube that was given to me from my Secret Santa called Mario Power Strikers (its a soccer game) that my wife and I play a lot since we can play against the computer together.
New Years wasn't that eventful, basically stayed up till midnight at home and toasted the new year with some Champaigne.
I saw a couple of movies too during my break. I forget what the first one was but it was a flick that my wife chose since it was her turn. I chose to see King Kong and I have to say that it was pretty good. There were some parts that were just outright nasty but the movie certainly didn't feel like it was 3 hours long.
Now I'm back to the grinder toiling away like always. Here's to another year of fun in Floriduh! Good thing I'm going up north in 2 weeks, I get to have some Garden Catering maybe and if I can swing it, yet more Chinese food :)
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