Tuesday, October 31, 2006
The place that my wife chose is supposedly a pretty new place called Zucca's which is an Italian place in the Bank of America building right down the street from me. They have this really cool bread that they make in house that looks like a half a ball and its mostly filled with hot air. I also have no idea what the spread was that they gave us but it was sooooooo good that I ordered a second one for us even though I was almost done with lunch. They have a pasta bar in the restaurant which is pretty cool. You can have made to order pasta dishes and watch them cook it for you while you wait. I've experienced something like this before but this was some high class pasta and also quite tasty. My wife ordered something off the menu that she had tried once before and that was also really good too. I might go there again for like a dinner or something because eating that pasta for lunch really made me sleepy. All in all, an excellent place for food in downtown Ft. Lauderdale!
Happy Halloween
Friday, October 27, 2006
Penguin bashing at its best
British Camera's
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Somethings not right in the mornings......
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Weird Tourists
I was going about my business when this Chrystler Seabring convertable passes me on the right. I know, does seem strange right? Well here's the strange part...... There were 2 guys in the car and one had his hands in the air in that praise God kinda pose. Well I took a closer look and he was holding a camera...... The doofus was taking a picture of Miami traffic!! Who in their right mind takes pictures of traffic unless you're not from the area?? I just found it funny that some tourist was taking multiple pics of Miami's horrible traffic. At least when I take pics as a tourist, I take pics of cool looking inanimate objects like mountains or buildings and not TRAFFIC!
Friday, October 20, 2006
Free food!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
More Miami traffic woes
I'm in downtown Miami trying to get to my beat up parking garage that I pay way too much money for and lo and behold, I get stuck........ AGAIN on 2nd Ave and Flagler Street. They just made Flagler Street into a two way road for some odd reason (the powers that be in the Miami City gov't are probably to blame) and this requires additional traffic lights. For most towns, no big deal right? Hook it up to the system and let it ride. Sounds simple enough to me. HA!! Whatever!! The dingleberries that set up this traffic light forgot one little detail, the fucking thing needs to change every now and again to let people coming from other directions through!!
So what did I do to remedy my plight? Why run the red light of course. I looked left, no cars, I looked right, no cars, I slammed on the gas and heard my tires chirp as I sped through the intersection, made a quick left turn not caring if it was green or not and high tailed it to my garage.
It's a really sad thing when I am already thinking that Tampa is way better than Miami. I think it might do the city good to be totally washed away in a hurricane or something and start over fresh. I don't want people to die mind you, I just want the city itself washed off the face of the map so no one has to suffer (especially me) anymore.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
The parking lot
I thought that was bad enough, but in Miami downtown thery're doing a whole bunch of construction and some genius has decided in his infinate wisdom to change the way some of the roads work. Some east bound roads now go west, some one way streets are now two way streets. I can already tell that this is having an adverse effect on traffic because I was able to turn off my car and just listen to my iPod for 10 minutes while I just watched the pretty traffic lights change color but me not moving one inch forward. Needless to say I got to work about an hour later than I wanted to so that means my butt is stuck here till 6pm. Oh well, at least its almost lunch time :)
Monday, October 16, 2006
Highway Signs
When I lived in Stamford, the sign would always update with new info about whats happening on I-95, like traffic is backed up until exit 22 which I knew was Fairfield so I would take alternate routes so I could get to my destination faster. They have traffic signs in the Miami area as well on both I-95 and I-75 but with a slight difference...... it doesn't give you traffic information!! I've been commuting to work in Miami for a good 6 weeks now and the only thing that it has ever told me is to buckle my seat belt because its the law in Florida. I'm assuming a few hundred grand of tax payer money went into putting in these electronic billboards to show traffic info and the best they can do is to tell me to buckle up. What a waste of resources! If it showed traffic data, I think things might flow more smoothly in the mornings, like that 5 lane closure this morning, I bet that wasn't on the traffic board for people heading north bound on I-95 until they were stuck in the huge mess that developed this morning.
Only 30 minutes to lunch time, can't wait!
Friday, October 13, 2006
Google Maps for Palm OS
I would include screen shots but I don't have a program that does that (yet) for my Treo. But now I have a new toy to play with so YAY I'm pretty syched!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
I live with a Gremlin!!
Monday, October 09, 2006
The Miami Auto Show
This past weekend I went with my wife to the Miami Auto Show that was held at the Miami Beach Convention Center. All the major car manufacturers were present of course and showing off 2007 model cars and some 2008's as well. There was a lack of concept cars but I think thats because all of those cars got shipped off to the Paris Auto Show. But all in all, it was a great show and there are some pictures below of some of the awesome cars that I sat in or saw. Needless to say, I definately want a Nissan 350Z, anyone care to make a donation to Jason's 350Z fund?? ;) Enjoy the photos!
Ahh the newly redesigned Nissan Altima. I was able to actually sit in this car and I must say that its super sweet. I like how they redid the lights and the lines of the car. I think they made it look even better than it already did. Almost makes me want to turn mine in for this model.
Wooo, check this sucker out. This is the all new Porche 911. It only had a price tag of over $175K. It's a small price to pay for being able to go over 200MPH and 0-60 in less than 4 seconds. This is the kind of car you drive out in Nevada where everything is flat and straight so you can see just how fast this puppy can go!!
This really sweet photo was taken by my wife while we were in "Millionaire's Row" where they showcased most of the cars that were over $200K a piece. The lights look like little eyes and the effect is super cool too when she took it while we were walking by. Obviously they wouldn't let us sit in one of these cars, they're just way too expensive to have mere mortals touching them.
Three words come to mind whenever I see this picture........ PIMP MY RIDE!
And here we have the new Camero, one of the only concept cars that I saw while at the auto show. This sucker looked really sweet and I would have loved to sit in it but they were keeping the public away with a barrier. PAH! Let me see so I can decide if I want to drop 40K on it or not!

The evil VW Rabbit!!
Sunday, October 08, 2006
The Yankees Lost :(
Thursday, October 05, 2006
South Park and World of Warcraft
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Blogger Beta
I did notice one thing when I was updating my page though, I can't use a mailto link anymore so that people can email me (not like anyone emailed me anyway but still). I think there's a way to get around it but I'll have to tinker a bit with the new blogger. I think posting stuff is supposed to be faster too but I'll test that after I'm done writing this blog up. Time to get back to work!
NJ Tax for iTunes
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
This past weekend I saw the movie Fearless and I have to say that it was pretty awesome. I didn't expect it to be in Chinese though which kinda threw me but it was alright reading all the sub titles. Unlike a lot of other recent Chinese action/drama's that have come out over the years, there weren't a lot of action sequences with wires or people generally flying through the air doing impossible feats of martial arts mastery. I mean there are a few instances sure but for the most part it looked all quite believeable. This will definately be added to my DVD collection once it comes out next year.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Voltron is MINE!
I have just completed my purchase of the Voltron Masterpiece Collectors edition toy. It comes with all 5 lions from Voltron, the main weapon and of course the awesome box that it comes in. There's only 150,000 of these things in existence and I'm going to be one of the people to own one of these bad boys. It'll look great next to my Robotech VF-1S Roy Fokker Masterpiece Collection toy that I got a couple years ago. I'll post again once I get it, I'll take my own pics as actual proof that I have it in hand :)
Today I purchased Voltron Season 1 on DVD. I didn't get the cheesey car one but the all important lion one. It came in a nice blue tin with a picture of the Blue Lion. I'm sure the other tins will be similar and just as awesome.
I also saw in the mall a collectors edition of Voltron for about $150 but I didn't get it although I was very tempted. Its the same company that made my Robotech collectors edition Veritech and that one was awesome. If I find some spare money maybe I'll get it because it totally looked awesome. Can't wait for the rest of the DDVD's to come out to complete my collection.