My flight is supposed to be at 6:00AM but its been pushed back to 7:17AM. The arrival time which is now past 9:00AM means I will miss my connection. I spoke to the gate agent here in Atlanta and he was nice enough to put me at the top of the Stand By list for the 10:50AM flight. There are a bunch of flights after that but they're all booked up and the next one that has a confirmed seat is the 5:00PM. Now that is WAY late to be getting to my client site. I would have to rent my own car and what not and there is NO WAY that my butt is staying until Friday this week.
Last week I stayed until Friday and I didn't see the value of me actually staying there since the person I was working with was busy the entire day leaving me to kinda just sit around and try and get some stuff done but not really accomplishing anything. I would suspect that this week would be the same if I stayed till Friday and it would make me extra pissed because I am going on vacation next week and could use the extra day at home to prepare.
I'm looking at the Upgrade list and I'm currently number 9. It wouldn't be so bad if I could get a First Class upgrade for this flight. It would make my life a bit better just for today.
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