The only thing that I have a gripe with is the battery life. But I guess its something that I can forgive because it's supposed to be hooked into a charger while using it in a car. I can also get online map updates when I hook it up to my computer which is awesome for corrections and such.
I'll be testing this out over the next few weeks to see how it works. There were a ton of features on my old TomTom 5 that I never used because it might mess up my phone but now I should be alright with the new TomTom 720 since its a totally enclosed unit. Gotta love it!
I got a refurb. Mio. It's okay. Got me to about 60% of my destinations. I think I need to update the maps, but I'm too cheap.
You don't get free updates? I do with TomTom
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