Well here it is in all its glory, the brand new Treo Pre. Impressive isn't it? That keyboard is a slide out keyboard so most of the time you're going to be using just the touch screen. Palm announced this little gem just yesterday at CES and I gotta say that I'm excited. There are tons of articles and stuff on it on TreoCentral, Engadget, and Gizmodo so I won't go into the drool worthy details like the brand new OS and junk like that. They did mention that the phone won't be backwards compatible with all the Palm OS 5 apps which is kind of a bummer but I know someone is going to make an emulator for them. The only things I really use the phone for are calling people, all my contacts, my calendar, ListPro, and Butler for my alarms. Other than that, most of the other software kinda goes to waste (well maybe not the backup software that runs nightly). Anyway.....
I do harbor some disappointment though, this device is going to be coming out for Sprint first exclusively for at least a few months which means those folks on Verizon are just shit out of luck once again when it comes to a new Palm phone. I'm due for a new phone but I'm just holding on right now to my 700P hoping that this thing will come out for Verizon as soon as the exclusitivity contract runs out.
I must say that the videos of this thing are stunning and will kick any phones ass. Now my own personal opinion is that Palm should license out the OS and let the device makers just have at it like MS and Symbian do. Thats where the money is these days, making software that people want and that they'll like. The iPhone is a great example because the hardware isn't all that fantastic, it was the OS that blew people away and made people just run and go to AT&T just to get their grubby little mits on one.
I might settle for the Treo Pro if it comes out to Verizon. I'm not all that keen on changing my phone yet until its something that I truely want. Whats the use in spending $300+ on something that you only kinda want because your contract was due?
My mits are not grubby. Real keyboards are so 90s. Enjoy your IPhoneys. IPhone is king!
I like to copy/paste
Ken, a slide out keyboard means you don't HAVE to use it. iphones pretty much suck
I am going to wait until Verizon can be a carrier as well!
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