It has been a really long time since I've done any blogging but the past month has been very busy. The latest development that I thought was very blog worthy was that a good chunk of my family is getting iPhones. A while back I switched to AT&T because I wanted to get a Treo Pro and the only way to get it was to go GSM and AT&T is the best out there for that so I switched. I decided for my wife's birthday that we would break her current contract with Verizon and bring her into the AT&T fold by getting her an iPhone which I ordered this past week. It's a real pretty white one that has 32GB of memory so she won't be hurting for space and she can keep a lot of video and music on it too.
My father's birthday is also coming up pretty soon so I gave him a choice between two different gifts, a new underwater digital camera or something else I can't remember right now but I did see it at Best Buy. After a couple of weeks of giving him his choices he said, why don't you just buy me an iPhone? Well this was a switch! After months and months of pestering him about it, my father is going to do it and get an iPhone. He only wants the 16GB one so it won't be as expensive for me to get him one. So thats iPhone number 2 for my family.
Now the funny one! My sister in law is also on Verizon but her contract is up in July (on my wifes birthday actually which is kind of interesting) and she is joining in on the family share plan since she really uses texting a lot and not a lot of voice. She has a BlackBerry Pearl and didn't want to pay for the data plan anymore so things would be cheaper. She was on vacation this past week and she went out with some friends and one of them had an iPhone, after playing with an iPhone for a day she calls me up and tells me that she wants one! Man what a switch! LOL She went one better and even went all the way to the Apple Store in Ft. Lauderdale to pick one up and changed her phone number to a Connecticut number so she could be on the family plan with me and my wife.
It looks like I'm the only hold out not getting an iPhone. I still have the opportunity to get one if I want it by renewing my contract right now but I can't bring myself to do it. I've been mulling it over in my mind a lot and I can't see a good reason to get one because of all the functionality I'll lose by switching over, not to mention I hate the way it syncs to my Outlook stuff. Well there you have it, my iPhone family minus me!
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