Sunday, October 30, 2005


For the first time since I can remember, I actually missed a flight. I was on a 4:55 flight home and I missed it because of traffic!!! First there was nasty traffic on the Hutch all because people were watching someone on the other side of the road change their freakin tire. Thats just bullshit right there. Then, after getting over the Whitestone, there was a rediculous amount of traffic going towards JFK airport. Most of the traffic that caused the "Heavy Delay" was because people were going to the Bruckner Expressway. Whoever designed the route to JFK must have been totally retarded or something. Next time I'm leaving at least three hours before departure if I'm flying out of NY.

Jason Wong

Friday, October 28, 2005

Dim Sum Trip

Today I went to Hartsdale NY to get some dim sum from one of my favorite chinese place. It has been quite a long time asince I've had good chinese let alone dim sum. Now there is a reason right there to go back to the North East.

The trip to Hartsdale was pretty cool. The trees are really colorful going down the Merrit Parkway. As much as I like it here, it would be difficult to come back because everything is so expensive. At least I still have the option to visit every once in a while. Tomorrow I'm going cat shopping with my italiano cousin Lucy (shes not my real cousin but she made me an honorary italian and her cousin haha) and I'm going to have dinner with the best man (Tiny) and maid of honor (Jazzy) from my wedding. Sunday I shall return home to my wonderful wife and evil cats.

Jason Wong

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Sleeping In

I'm at my mom's house till Sunday and this morning was the first time that slept in past 8am. Even when I didn't have my two cats I was never able to sleep in really without waking up early. It must be something about sleeping in my old bed or something. Anyway, I'm freezing my nuts off in CT because of the after effects of hurricane Wilma bringing in a nice cold front from Canada. BRRR......

Jason Wong

Monday, October 24, 2005

Bring on the sunshine

Hurricane Wilma has finally finished kicking Floida's ass and has gone back to being a Category 3 hurricane out in the Atlantic. Just by watching it on the radar I can tell that I'm in for a really wet time up in CT since it'll be lingering off the coast of NY or so by the time I get there. On the bright side though, not only did I not have work, now its really really sunny outside. Of course I have nothing to do that would entail me actually going outside so I'm going to stay in and finish creating backups for my computer and what not. Doesn't that sound absolutely exciting? I might break down and finish a level of Ninja Gaiden later on. It's already 4pm! Hopefully tomorrow won't be too busy so I can relax. Thanks for the day off Wilma!

Welcome to Floriduh Hurricane Wilma!!

Hurricane Wilma actually came to Florida (South Florida though, I'm in West) so the most that I'm getting right now are a lot of tornado warnings, maybe some storm surge, and tropical storm force winds but other than that I'm pretty much OK. I get to stay home today since the office is closed but I do have to work from home while I'm here so that means I have to fire up my laptop and do some *snicker* work. My wife wasn't as lucky though, her pea brained bosses had their employees come into work even though all the government offices are closed down, there's no shipping leaving the city, and all the schools are closed. These people are just way too greedy. I would take great delight in watching their company burn up in smoke but I guess that won't be happening anytime soon. I'm probably heading to work tomorrow but thats alright, at least I got today off :)

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Thank you Wilma!

Thanks to the lovely category 2 hurricane bearing down on Florida, I don't have to go to work tomorrow. I do however have to work from home but it beats going to the office any day. Bring it on bitch!! I'm here in Tampa waiting for ya!! :P

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Cool Wilma Picture

I got this image from Accuweather. I think its one of the best pics I've ever gotten of a storm. Check out where the eye is on this bad boy, its freakin HUGE! This is going to be one crazy storm when it swings over to Florida. Posted by Picasa

Preparing for a hurricane

Since I postponed my trip to CT to see my mom, I went out with my wife last night to get some supplies. We headed over to our super market which wasn't even that busy to pick up snack food and what not (basically things that will keep till next year). There was plenty of it left on the shelves which surprised me. Then we went to the drink aisle and there was basically no water left on the shelves. HA! The whole store is packed with food but all the water supplies and parmalat milk just vanished. No big deal, I have a filter on my tap at home and have lots of containers to fill with water.

Next stop was Sports Authority. Last year we were fortunate enough to not lose power. Right now the hurricane isn't even projected to come close to Tampa but you never know until the day before so we bought a camping stove with two burners on it. Now I think I'm all set. I'm not too worried about flooding of my apartment because I'm on the 3rd floor, I'm more worried about my car being washed away or something like that.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

You gotta be freakin kidding me!! Another Hurricane!

This is a lovely picture of Hurricane Wilma. You can't really see it but right now its off the coast of Mexico but all the strike probablilities show it heading towards Florida in the next few days. Here's the freakin problem, I'm not even going to be here when the hurricane strikes and right now its a Category 5 with 175mph winds. Thats just crazy right there!!

Update: I'm not leaving town after all, I'll go on vacation next week instead and stay here with my wife until the hurricane blows over. I guess its time to stock up the fridge with tons of non perishable stuff again and get some gas for the car......... mmmmmm SPAM!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Going back to CT

Wednesday night I shall be making my return to CT for my mom's birthday. I'm only going to be around till Sunday afternoon but that should be enough time spent up north. I probably won't be able to see any of my friends that I have up there but I can catch them on another trip up to CT since my sister in law is getting married sometime in January. I'm going to try and get my wife's digital camera so that I can take pics while I'm up there. Yay fall leaves!!

The evil door scratcher

My older cat Thumper has recently taken up door scratching as a new method of annoying me in the mornings. He started doing this after I returned from LA. Where he picked this up I have no idea since he never used to do it before. I have had to resort to putting him in the bathroom at night so he won't wake up me and my wife in the mornings with the scratching. However he is consistant, he normally starts his scratching around 7am unless he happens to be really bored, then he tries it around 2am.

Ninja Gaiden Maddness

I've started playing Ninja Gaiden again for Xbox in the hopes that I can beat it in the next couple of weeks. I played it again for the first time in months just yesterday and I really had to get back into the swing of things. I totally forgot how most of the controls worked and since I was in one of the later levels I was getting my butt kicked pretty hard. After practicing for about 30 minutes I figured out how to whoop at least a little butt again with some obvious help called NINJA MAGIC!! I killed the level 12 boss with nothing but Lightning Ninja Magic rather than the tried and true hack and slash. I'm getting better as I play and I might even play more tonight but we'll see.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Halo 2 is DONE!

Yeah baby! I just beat Halo 2 for Xbox so now I can start working on yet another game of mine. Probably Ninja Gaiden although that game is super ass tough and I havn't even touched it in months. Hopefully I won't get my ass kicked or anything. Damn it feels good to ifnall y beat that game.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Talk about cheap pictures

I'm heading up to my mom's place next week and she requested pictures from my wedding. I decided to give a try since I remember seeing something about uploading pics to them and then having the ability to print them out at a local Walgreens and pick them up. I tried it today and I have to say that it was pretty painless and was relatively fast. Not to mention they were only charging $0.19 a print and because it was my first time using them I got 10 prints for free. Now thats what I call kick ass. All in all, I only had to spend less than five bucks. You can bet I'm gonna print pics from them again.

I'm done with Jade Empire!

I finally beat the RPG game Jade Empire for Xbox today while I was home telecommuting for work. It only took me an extra half hour to whoop some ass and actually defeat the game which was pretty good. I think I got back into it because of the show Firefly which has a slightly asian theme to the show and the characters sometimes speak Chinese (this kind of bothers me but its on syndication so its not on all that often). With the release of the Xbox 360, I feel this urge to finish a few more of my games now. I still have a few more things to beat in Burnout Legends, Halo 2, and Ninja Gaiden. These are the main games that I would like to beat but if I have time I might play others like whats on my GameCube.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Winamp 5.1

For all you old school MP3 collectors out there, I'm sure most of you remember Winamp or maybe even use Winamp. I remember getting hold of Winamp when I was in college and it was the best MP3 player ever (still is although I have to use MediaMonkey to sync songs to my iPod). I still use it at home to listen to music and even use it here at work. I was slightly disappointed when Nullsoft (thats who made Winamp way back when) was bought up by AOHell and then sorta dropped by the wayside after they completed 5.0. There have been numerous bug releases and stuff but it wasn't worth the upgrade. However they have released 5.1 and now they actually have live streaming audio from AOL XM radio which is really cool. I normally listen to ShoutCast stations at work but this adds a ton more stations for me to listen to. I might try and experiment with the iPod plugin for Winamp one of these days if they work out some of the bugs.

For those of you that are REALLY old school, you might remember a little app called WinPlay, now thats taking MP3's truely old school for those of you that downloaded music in '96 hahaha

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The internet is so boring

I've been on the net for a while now and I've come to realize that a lot of the free stuff thats on the net is pretty boring. I remember hooking up my 486 to a 19.2 modem and firing that bad boy up to get email using Netscape 3.0 and surfing the web too. I hit a few sites daily like the NY Times and CNN (CNN hasn't changed much since 1996). I have more email accounts scattered on the web than I can even remember but some things have stayed constant like my Screen Names and one of my email addresses. Other than that, the net is just really really boring........... there's only so much news that you can read or emails you can write............ blah!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Leftovers for Lunch

Today I ate my lunch in 11 minutes. Not a record for me but thats still pretty fast considering I normally get an hour or so for lunch but I also eat at my desk so its a "working" lunch. Todays lunch was pretty good, it was left overs from dinner last night that my wife made for us. Chicken tenders with tabasco sauce and mashed potatos. The thing thats missing, which was included in last nights meal, was the corn on the cob. My wife makes corn on the cob SO GOOD! She adds the right amount of butter, salt, and pepper which makes it almost irresistable that I always end up wanting more but she limits us to one a piece. Topping off the lunch is my Arizona Ice tea with Raspberry flavor added. She brought me candy from her job but I forgot to pack it so no afternoon snack for me. Too bad, they were NERDS!! Now I just have to go through the rest of the day and then go home and relax and update my iPod with some new songs. *yawn*

I have my new hard drive!!

Yesterday I finally got back a hard drive from Seagate. It's a refurbished drive but it works and thats what really matters. I noticed that the drive actually came all the way from Singapore which is a bit far. I completed the extremely fun task of moving all my data from my primary hard drive to my storage drive. My primary was a 60 gig drive and only had 6 gigs free and was running like there was peanut butter stuck in between the drive plates. After I moved it over to the 160 gig storage drive, my PC began running like a champ again :)


Well this year the Yankees lost in the Division series and not the championship series. I guess I can be happy that they made the playoffs at all with the terrible record they accumulated during the regular season. Since the Yankee's are out of the running, my time with baseball this year is at an end. I guess no Mariano Rivera jersey for me this year. I don't think I'll get another jersey until they win another world series.

Monday, October 10, 2005

All tied up!

The Yankees were able to tie up the ALCS with the Angels last night so tonight everyone flies out to LA to duke it out for the right to kick some White Sox ass. Mike Mussina will take the mound tonight and if the Yankee bats wake up early, it should be a nice victory into the AL championship series. Winning the world series this year would be absolutely awesome and maybe I'll treat myself to a new jersey or something :)

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Yankee Game Tonight, ALCS Game 4

Tonight the Angels are playing the Yankees in Game 4 and the Yankee's are facing elimination. The only satisfying fact in the event that the Yankee's lose is that Boston lost first and got swept badly. Right now the Yankee's have a fighting chance so I'm going to cheer for them while I watch the Soprano's on DVD. Go Yankees!!

Friday, October 07, 2005

Red Sox Lose!

Last year was just a fluke, the Bambino is back in full effect as the Red Sox lose to the White Sox. Now its NY's chance to get back the world series crown, their first since 2000. To read all about it, go here!

I'd blog but........

my week was so "ordinary" that I have nothing to blog about, how freakin sad is that?!?

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

MMMM Marble Slab

My wife and I got a quart of cheesecake ice cream with strawberries (my favorite from that place) and I had some last night and it was soooo good. The strawberries were a bit hard but thats alright. Still, the place is freakin awesome, I should open my own with wifi access and make a ton of money and retire by 35.

Monday, October 03, 2005


So what exactly is X05?? Why its only the MS Xbox 2005 game convention that Microsoft holds to show off all thats new and bad ass on the Xbox front. I read a lot of stuff on and they always have good coverage. I'm in the market for a new 360 and this conference should shed light on a ton of new games and the launch titles. Can't wait to see the screen shots and movies that will come out of this booyah!!


My wife and I are now hooked on this show after seeing the movie Serenity. It's a pretty damn good show. Too bad there were only a few episodes made for it before it was canceled. I don't think this show can make a comeback like Family Guy did but you never know. I would tell you which characters probably wouldn't be back on the show but then I'd ruin the movie for those of you that want to see it. And I do recommend seeing it, its too funny in some spots.

Already a bad start

This morning I got off to a bad start. I was in traffic for almost an hour and there was no reason for it. From the moment I hit the Home Depot near my apartment, I was doing around 10mph in stop and go traffic. That is just totally un-acceptable in my book especially when I have a history of going at least 40 with a free sprints of 60 as I get closer to work. Nope not today, not even an accident to justify people going hella slow. This better not be an omen of how the rest of today is going to go or else I'm gonna be so pissed.

Sunday, October 02, 2005


I just saw the movie Serenity this weekend and I have to say that it was quite good. It was pretty funny and it kept my wife's interest which surprised me since this is a scifi movie and she normally doesn't like this kind of stuff. This movie basically wraps up the TV series Firefly which I have Tivo'd but haven't watched yet. I'll watch those at some point this week.

Tomorrow is another day of work.......... oh yay!