Saturday, April 29, 2006

Trip to the Zoo

My wife and I went to the zoo today since we had nothing really to do. I took the camera and got some pretty funny pics, enjoy! LOL

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


My wife got me addicted to watching this British show called MI5. It interests me because its all about spy stuff and people trying to blow up the UK. They're kind of like the NSA and FBI all rolled into one. I'll admit at times its hard to understand them with their thick British accents but whats really cool about the show is that it actually lasts a full hour kinda like the Soprano's. Thats pretty rare in my book since most other shows I watch are basically 45 minutes because of all the commercials that are just thrown in. I'm getting more DVD's in the coming days so at least I'll have something to watch since TV these days is sucking badly!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Is it Friday yet?

The week is dragging badly! Where is Friday???

Sunday, April 16, 2006

I'm done getting my summer tan

Today I went to the pool with my wife and she decided to lay out and get a tan and I decided to go swimming in the pool. My skin being the way it is, after about 2-3 hours I have my summer tan all done. Unlike most people, I can tan pretty quickly so theres no need for me to lay out for hours on end. Just a couple of hours and I'm done. If I swim in the sun any longer I'm going to be really really dark and thats what I'm trying to avoid. Good thing I work indoors so I can't get any darker than I already am :)

Easter Dinner was AWESOME!

Tonight Claire made an awesome dinner. Steak, with mashed potato's and corn. I am now soo stuffed that I'm just lying here on the couch writing up this blog entry because I can't move. Thank you for the wonderful dinner Claire!! :)

Thursday, April 13, 2006

FEMA: Louisiana Homes Must Be Raised Off Ground

OK now, if you live in Louisiana and you gotta raise your house up 3 feet off the ground I gotta say F that man. Not only do you now have to have a house on stilts, just in case, but now you have to walk up stairs just to get to your house. I'm sure there are stairs for most places but still, I think putting your house on stilts will make it somewhat unstable. What if someone wanted to totally destroy your house? It wouldn't take a lot, just knock out two supports and boom, your house comes crashing down. If they make something like that mandatory, I would move to another state because there's no way I'm putting my house on stilts. - Woman dies a day after Disney World ride - Apr 13, 2006 - Woman dies a day after Disney World ride - Apr 13, 2006

I have personally ridden Mission Space at Epcot just once and hell yeah it made me sick as a dog. There are plenty of warning signs everywhere that this is a high velocity ride and if you're in any sort of poor health you shouldn't ride it. It basically takes a NASA centrifuge, adds some nice monitors and other little things and spins you around at around 2G's of force. For the average person thats pretty intense stuff. After riding it once, I know for a fact that I will never ride it again because I don't like having that sick I wanna throw up feeling. But if you're up to it, this ride is perfectly safe and does give you a pretty good thrill!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Taro the Dragon Boy is Great!

I just rented the above movie a few days ago. I first saw this movie WAY back in the early 1980's on Betamax I think. I actually borrowed this from my library in my home town. This definately brought me back. LOL! I can't believe I watched the whole movie again. My wife fell asleep while watching it so she didn't see the whole thing but thats alright, I enjoyed watching it. Maybe I'll let my kids watch it when I have some and when they are old enough. Here's the link for movie on Blockbuster. LINK!!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Man Gets $218 Trillion Phone Bill - Yahoo! News

Man Gets $218 Trillion Phone Bill - Yahoo! News

Now thats just freakin sick right there. If I were in the accounting department, I would look at this more closely. How can a residential phone line accumulate that many charges in a few months? It would litteraly take DECADES unless he was trying to connect to the internet via a US ISP from his home in Malaysia through dial up and never turned it off. LOL still quite funny though.

Friday, April 07, 2006

To be thwarted by soft serve ice cream!

This mornings commute was absolutely wretched. You would think that Fridays would be a good day to drive to the office. Not today! I read the local news online and found out that they had to close down the Veterans Expressway, a highway I pass by on my way to work, because a truck with 7000 pounds of soft serve ice cream crashed and flipped onto its side. This forced people to take the route I normally take to work which totally clogged everything up. I ended up getting here at 9 instead of 8:30 like I normally do. At least there isn't much to clean up, the ice cream can just melt away..............

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Everyone took their retard pill this morning

Driving to work was TERRIBLE! Seems like no one could drive this morning at all. There was a crash between a car and a bus on the other side of the road and it was my side of the road that was going slower.......... how does that make sense???? There are also some people that don't understand the meaning of rush hour. It means move your ass I've gotta get to work so stop driving the speed limit already!

I hope the commute home is better than it was this morning because I just can't take it anymore!

I finally got the sample!

It's taken me two weeks but I finally have a sample from my cat Nala that I can take to the vet. Now normally the vet would be able to take the little stool sample from a cat but not my cat. OOHHH NO!! She's a fiesty little one so the vet told me to get one for them. She shares a litter box with Thumper so its hard to see who's crap is who's. Yesterday I caught her in the litter box and I got the little container ready. It didn't help that she effectively buried it at the bottom of the litter box but I have my sample and can take it to the vet :)

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

My DVD Writer died :(

My DVD Writer for my PC just died the other night as I was trying to burn something. What a bummer! Now I have to spend money to get another one. Just in case there was a fix I emailed tech support at IO Magic and explained what was wrong. The thing doesn't even read the discs anymore, Windows recognizes that there is a drive but it won't read the media. I even cracked the thing open to see if there were any problems with the parts inside but it all looks OK to me (obviously I didn't put that in my email to IO Magic). I have a Best Buy card coming in the mail so I'll end up using all the money I have on it for my new burner, now my dilemma is whether or not to get an external one or an internal one.....................

Monday, April 03, 2006

Internet News is starting to change......

I've been on the internet for a LONG time it seems. I first jumped on in college using a 19.2 TAU modem and I used Netscape 3.0 as my web browser on my 486 PC that ran Windows 95. The first websites that I started reading was of course CNN and the New York Times.

Lets fast forward to 2006 shall we? Right now its April and after almost 10 years, CNN and the New York Times have finally changed the look of their websites. I think its been a long time in coming but I'm liking the new layout. It just kind of astounds me that it took them 10 years to actually update their sites. I'm sure there have been little changes here and there but the over all look really hasn't changed. Now I'm going to have to get used to the new look of these two sites so I can find my news. :)

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Day Light Savings Time

I just remembered this morning that everything springs forward an hour. I can't t tell you how much that screws up my internal clock. Now I'm going to be going to bed an hour earlier and waking up an hour earlier too. I hope I don't end up getting to work late tomorrow because I can't get up. Why do we do this anyway????

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Expedition Everest is AWESOME!

Today was the last day in 2006 that Claire and I could go to Disney. Our annual passes run out this week so we decided to hit up 2 parks, Animal Kingdom and MGM. We've been to Magic Kingdom and Epcot so much that we felt we should go to the other two.

First we went to MGM to ride on the Aerosmith Ride (someone gave us their fast passes so we went right to the head of the line without waiting) and that was totally bad ass. Then we decided to go to Tower of Terror which is a trip all on its own. The wait wasn't even too bad either. Up and down up and down WEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!

Animal Kingdom was next (we were only going on the thrill rides today) and the only thrill ride there is Expedition Everest. This ride is soooo COOL! The wait was like 70 minutes but that wasn't that bad. They built a whole new area for Expedition Everst in the Asia section of Animcal Kingdom and its so new that it doesn't even show up on any of the maps. The ride itself is really tall and you can see it almost as clearly as you can see the Tree of Life in the middle of the park. They had this whole thing about the Yeti that guards Mt. Everest while you're walking in the line which was cool and I have some pics of it too. The ride itself was sweet, it raises you up pretty high, some of the ride is within the artificial mountain and part of the ride even goes backwards! There's a HUGE Yeti at the end of the ride but since I don't wear my glasses on roll coasters I didn't get a good look at him. There aren't any loops or things of that sort on this coaster but thats ok. The presentation is awesome and this is one coaster I could ride over and over again because its so fun. Anyway, enjoy the pictures!