Wednesday, February 23, 2005


My kitten Nala has a problem recently with scratching herself. This started to happen after she received her routine shots. I let it go on for a few weeks to see if she would stop on her own. So far she hasn't so I took her to the vet again to see what can be done. Well they gave me these pills that might help make her stop scratching since it's supposed to ease the itchy area of her internally.

Well any pet owner knows that trying to give any animal a pill is hard stuff. This is made even harder since Nala doesn't like to stay still or be confined in any way. Thumper I have no problems with, he'll take a shot in the ass and not even meow. Now the area that Nala is scratching is around her neck area. The vet recommended I use wet food or something but I know that Thumper will eat it if he sees or even hears a can pop open. My only recourse is to try and hold her down. Hence my CHALLENGE twice a day. This involves grabbing her by the back of her neck (where it itches) and prying her mouth open and forcing her to swallow a pill. I've tried the nice way but this seems to work best. The only bad part is then she hates me for a few hours and runs away. I hope she stops itching so I don't have to keep on giving her pills forcefully.

1 comment:

McBean said...

They have things at Petco or Petsmart that help you give your pet pills. They're like chunks of food with a hole in them. You put the pill in the hole and squeeze it closed. Katie takes her pills in a bit of cheese.