Wednesday, June 29, 2005

I need a jetski

Yesterday was CRAZY! There was so much freakin rain it started flooding the roads. I really could have used a jetski yesterday to get home. I went down this street in my apartment complex and it had a slight dip and when I went through it I think I hit about a foot of water. Now this morning the horn for my car sounds a little funny. I think I damaged it going through that much water. It sounds super weak now, it lost its manliness hahaha. Oh well, I'll give it a few days and we'll see if it gets better.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

You go girl!

I must say I'm very impressed with my cat Nala's jumping ability. I figure if I ever let her go outside, she would bring back dead animals or something to my door step because she's such a good pouncer. Yesterday I brought her and Thumper home from getting their bath and a stupid bug got into the apartment. It was a BIG one too. I couldn't see it for a few minutes but then Nala spotted it on one of the paintings that we have hanging in our apartment. It was right above the spot she likes to sleep which is slightly elevated. She got up and jumped I would say a good 4-5 feet straight up and took a swipe at the bug. She hit the thing because it started to coast to the floor and she just kept right on trying to swipe at it. I saw it was one of those bugs with a stinger so I had to push her out of the way while I got something to squish it good and dead. Thumper is just sitting there looking at us all regal and aloof and not even caring that there was something to attack. HA! Oh well, at least I know who to go to when I want something hunted down and killed :)

Monday, June 27, 2005

So fresh and so clean!

I finally got my cats back from the vet and they smell nice and clean. The only thing that the vet didn't do was clip thei claws but I can deal with that for now. At least they don't smell lke kitty litter anymore :)

A new link to a blog

I forgot to mention in my previous post that my friend Shirley has a blog now. The thing is that its not on Blogger but on MSN Spaces. Either way, I made sure the link and everything works so feel free to go to her blog and comment, view pics, you know all that other good stuff that bored people do on the internet.

The Longest Yard and other stuff

This weekend I went to see the movie The Longest Yard starring Adam Sandler. Now I must say that after watching it, I thought it was pretty damn good. I won't spoil it for anyone reading this since its just a movie that must be seen. There are also quite a large number of pro wrestlers in the movie as well (the ones I could identify are Goldberg and Stone Cold Steve Austin but there were at least one or two more who's names I forget but their performances were just AWESOME!).

Also, I just sent the cats to get cleaned. It's been ages since they've had a decent bath, I sure as hell am not going to give them one, I don't want to get scratched to death or anything because they don't like water. So they should come home smelling fresh and clean and also a touch mad at me for shoving them in cat carriers, going through a car ride and handing them over to complete strangers so they can toss them in a deep sink, hold them down, douse them with water and shampoo, and then letting them dry in a small cage. But hey at least they'll smell good!

Friday, June 24, 2005

This is the best wedding cake picture of all, thanks Wyatt and Kate! Posted by Hello

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Dells really suck balls

Most of you who are in the IT support probably already know that my subject heading is pretty much true. I've worked in IT support for a number of years now and there isn't a Dell model I haven't hated or experienced trouble with. The newer Dell business desktops are somewhat cumbersome and the notebooks just outright stink!

Now, on to a short story. Last night out of the kindness of my heart, I went to the wife's office because her co-worker couldn't get their monitor to work. Being the good former technician that I am, I bring along my laptop and my bag of goodies just in case I need it. I go over there and hook up the monitor to the old laptop since I use dual displays and I'm set up for it. Presto it works on my laptop so its not the monitor. Just to be sure I hook up the old CRT. The settings are set up in the most basic configuration (800x600 with 256 colors, who the hell uses that anymore?) because thats what their tech guy told them to do in order to get the monitor working. Well whatever......... So I play around with the display controls, hook up the new LCD and wham, it works! I reboot the PC a couple of times just to be sure it's working alright. All of a sudden it says that some DLL file in Windows is corrupt or missing. Well doesn't that suck ass right there.

I know that he needs the file, I know how I would normally load the file using a floppy and booting with a Win 95 boot disk that I have in my car so I figure, no biggie I can copy it from someone else's PC and load it. I go down to my car and when I return he's gone home already. WTF! Next when I'm looking at the PC I notice that something is missing, why it has no freakin floppy drive! WTF?!?!?! Any tech worth his salt always needs a floppy drive because its the fastest way to do things and sometimes you just need a good ole boot disk to get things going again but for some reason Dell didn't include one on this model. Since I had my bag of goodies and there's no restore disc in sight, I use my old Win XP Pro disc and start to repair the sucker. Now the one problem with this is that it takes about 40 minutes to get this POS running if I do a repair job. I get up to the part to attach the PC to the domain and it just hangs there, now this pisses me off since I have to reboot the PC and try again. I do this about 3 times till I get fed up and just say install as a stand alone since I can make it join a domain later anyway. After I do that, it goes by pretty fast and then it reboots itself and wham! It's ALIVE! Afterwards just to be on the safe side I reboot it a few more times and check to make sure all the drive mappings work out ok (which they do I might add) so I leave with the wife to go relax. At this point we've been there for about 2 hours trying to get this POS Dell to work.

This morning my lovely wife sends me a message that her co-worker thinks I broke his PC because MS Office no longer works. Now how the hell is that my fault? I didn't even touch office and my techie friend up in NY agrees that my repair should not have affected his programs in any way. Besides, it's not like I'm their tech support and I'm not just going to launch programs just for the hell of it or anything. I didn't even get so much as a thank you, he actually had the balls to question if I knew what I was doing last night. If I know how to crack open the case and check the connections of the video card and he doesn't, I think I know what I'm doing since I worked as a tech for 2 years and I still tinker with my own PC. Some of it isn't his fault since the design of the PC is TERRIBLE but since I'm getting shit for "supposedly" corrupting MS Office he is now on my shit list forever (not to mention he's a terrible bowler).

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Why can't I finish video games?

Something weird has happened as I've gotten a bit older, I just can't bring myself to finish a video game anymore. I have all these awesome games for my Xbox (Ninja Gaiden, Halo 2, Jade Empire, just to name a few) and I'm RIGHT there at the end basically. I'm normally within 2-3 levels of completing a game and then I just sorta stop and lose interest after going around and blasting or slicing to death thousands of computer generated enemies with glee.

The only games that still seem to catch my interset are games that don't have a definate end. I still keep on coming back to games like SSX 3 (thats for my GameCube), Burnout3, Dead or Alive 3 (talk about old school, thats first generation Xbox right there), and Soul Calibur 2.

For example, last night I threw in Halo 2 to see if I could get back into the game. After about 5 minutes of blasting Flood and Covenant bad guys I got bored and turned off the game and switched it to Dead or Alive 3. I proceeded to play this for about half an hour in Survival mode just to see if my skills were still decent at ass whoopin. I must admit, my skills are still there for certain characters like Ayane and Kasumi but I would have to practice a lot in order to beat my all time high of 47 knock outs (I average about 15 these days depending on the character I'm using).

I'm even wondering whether or not its worth my getting an Xbox 360 (for those of you under a rock, thats the new Xbox game console slated to come out this fall) when it comes out or if I should just wait and try and beat some of my other games first. Oh well, I had such a good time with DOA3 last night, I think I'll play it a little more tonight just to whoop some computer ass. :)


You can make fun of me all you want but my new trash can is freakin awesome!

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Ahh clementines!

I'll just come out and say it, clementines are my favorite fruit! Granted it makes me hungry after I eat one but I still eat them by the case. I bought two at Costco this weekend and I'm almost done with the the first one. I'll eat the next one for lunch later this week :)

A day of shopping

Today the wife and I did a little shopping. We picked up a SunPass (for those of you back in CT and NY, its just like an EZPass) and the most awesome trash can on the planet from Bed Bath and Beyond. I registered for this but since no one got it for me, we decided to get it ourselves. Check it out!!

Trash Can Link

Friday, June 17, 2005

New Treo 650 for ME!!!

I finally got my new PalmOne 650 Treo! Whoohoo! Now I can send email, surf the web, and place phone calls from my cell phone without having to crack open a laptop. The keyboard is kinda smallish but I don't really give a shit. This is AWESOME!

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Chinese Fortune Cookies

Last night my wife and I got chinese food from a take out place and of course they gave us fortune cookies. This time they gave us four and we decided to crack all four open, two for her and two for me. Now here's the funny part, my two fortune cookies have the exact same foturnes in them. I mean come on, what are the odds that in a whole box full of fortune cookies I'll get two of the same one?? LOL!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Vacation Time

I dont' normally write about work but this is really interesting to me. I got married and took quite a bit of time off I thought. I had about 3 weeks to burn in terms of time and I thought I at least burned up a week and a half. I got my pay stub today and I calculated it out and I have over 3 weeks of vacation time again. Now its not a bad thing but its sick how fast I accrue vacation time. I have 4 weeks a year and that doesn't include holidays and days they give us here and there. Since my wife only gets 1 week a year I have to start finding creative ways to burn it up. WOO!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Aww crap!

I just got a notice from the County Clerk that I have to report for jury duty on July 20th. I'll be so freakin pissed if I get picked and even more freakin pissed if the case lasts into the weekend since I have a trip plan not to mention my birthday is on July 22. GAH!!! Thats what I get for registering to vote in Tampa!!

Monday, June 13, 2005

An observation about NY

Here's something intersting that I observed when I was recently up in the Northeast, and I think its rather funny.

In Floriduh, almost all the toll booth operators are either exact change only, SunPass, or senior citizens.

In New York, all the toll booths (even exact change and EZPass) are manned or monitored by NYPD.

Says something about each state I think ;)

Now that was a good lunch (burp!)

I just finished up some BBQ meat and rice that my wife brought back from CT and I gotta say it was DAMN good. Ahh, now I need to find an unused storage closet and a cot so I can take a nap this afternoon............zzzzz

I'm back from CT

My trip to CT was pretty good and the party was excellent! I didn't spend a lot of time up there because I have work today (boo!!!) but I did get to see my mom and Mama Chippy. Here are some of the highlights....

Almost misssed the flight from Tampa
I know what you're thinking but this was totally not our fault! We got to the airport and gate ontime and then JetBlue tells us that the flight is going to be delayed because of weather up in NY and to come back at 9:30. So..... Claire and I decided to go to the main airport terminal to shop around for stuff. We go there and decide at around 9pm to go back to the gate. To our surprise there was NO ONE THERE! We were like oh shit and ran towards the gate to see if the plane was still there. On a good note, we weren't the last ones to board, there were 4 other people that were late too ;)

Cool new camera!
Being the cool wife that she is, Claire bought a new digital camera for us. I'm contemplating selling my old one here at work for like $150 or something. I'll have to mull this over in my mind a little longer. We have a new Canon D400 which takes pictures super fast and the pics are even larger now than with my old one. The best part? It's freakin tiny!

Saweeet new radio station!
Of course when I return to CT, I have to listen to all my favorite stations like Z100, KTU, and Power 105.1. But I found a new station that was bad ass. It's 105.9 and they play nothing but Reggaeton which is something we don't get down here in Tampa. Although they do have it in Ft. Lauderdale so I get to listen to that stuff maybe 2-3 times a year on the radio. But at least now I have something new to listen to while I'm in CT.

Driving the Convertable
Claire's mom has a nice 2003 Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder and she let me drive it this weekend which was really nice of her. The thing is a V6 and fully loaded to the gills with options. The only bad part was that it was way too hot to keep the top open. Driving on I-95 is like sitting in a parking lot so with no wind, it was just HOT! Buy just being able to drive the car was cool all by itself.

Dim Sum!!!
Being Chinese and from the Northeast, I'm a man that loves his Dim Sum. If there is enough time in the day to go, I'm all about going to Dim Sum on a weekend and this weekend was no exception. Even after eating a healthy breakfast with Claire and her dad, we decided to go to Hartsdale NY and eat some Dim Sum mmmmm........ now why can't Tampa have a good Dim Sum place eh???

OK, well that was the weekend end in a nut shell. I'm glad to be back home with my wife and my cats though. Now if only next weekend would come faster so I can relax at home :)

Friday, June 10, 2005

You know its summer in Tampa..........

when you start seeing hurricane or tropical storm warnings on TV all the time!

A funny movie

Here is a link to one of the funnier Foamy cartoon's I've seen recently. I have a whole archive of his stuff :)

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Too funny!! HA!

I was driving to work this morning when I saw one of the funniest things I've ever witnessed in Tampa. I saw a small Chevy pickup that looked fairly beat up and I thought, man what a piece of junk. Little did I know that this crap box was semi pimped. At the traffic light, the tailgate part of the truck started to lower itself to the ground. Holy crap it has hydraulics! LOL! I was dying in my car when I saw this because as soon as the light turned green, the back of the truck popped back up so the bumper wouldn't be dragging on the ground.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Just to gross you out.....

While I was on my honeymoon I kissed a sting ray in Grand Cayman ;) haha! I don't have a pic of it but you can go ahead and ask my wife, she'll confirm it!!

Why doesn't Tampa have clams?

I was talking to my friend Alison on IM during lunch and she sparked a memory ............ I really miss raw clams with cocktail sauce. When I used to live in CT, I used to have them every once in a while. I'd get them from Stew Leonard's (the best freakin grocery store on the face of the earth btw), out those little buggers in hot water and crackedem open with a knife. Now in Tampa, they have oysters (I don't like them) but why don't they have clam's? Clam's are so much better! Yet another reason why I should move back home ;)

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Damn you Walmart!

Today I have one slight pet peeve.......... scanning in pictures............... because Walmart ran out of blank CD's.............. is this even possible??

I had the pictures from my water proof camera developed (the pics came out pretty good except for two that were messed up because I probably forgot to wind the camera enough between shots) and of course I went to Walmart to do it, they're so cheap its almost criminal not to use them. However when I got there and asked them to scan in the negatives they said they couldn't because they had no more CD's to burn. Thats freakin crazy! I'd just snatch some from the shelf or something in the electronics department. So I spent about 45 minutes scanning in pictures (I'll put up a picture or two if I deem them worthy) scanning in the pics. Now I need to transfer them to some back up device so I have a copy of it just in case my PC decides to die.

Anyway, thats my gripe about Walmart......... until tomorrow!

Whew I didn't poison myself

For the first time ever I cooked linguini with clam sauce with a hint of crushed red pepper. Granted everything was kinda from a can (just the clams and clam juice) but at least for the moment I'm alive and I'm not even sick. There was a lot of clams and juice in the can so I cooked a whole box of linguini. Thats tomorrow's lunch and dinner lol.

On another note, I got my proofs from the photographer but I'm waiting until the wife gets home to look at them. I also don't have the negatives yet so it'll be another few weeks till I get the professional pics in digital format. Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Cool new skin for Winamp

After not visiting the Winamp site for a long time (those bastards at Time Warner have stopped development on it :( ), I found a pretty cool skin that I'm going to start using on my work PC when I listen to internet radio. Here's the link

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Ahh nothing like a cool mixed drink :) Posted by Hello

Please don't die!

I got a rude ass shock when I turned on my home PC. It said that it couldn't boot and it had to check the hard disks to make sure everything was ok. I was like OH SHIT!! Totally not good since I have so much stuff on here thats important. Good thing I have two hard drives and multiple external hard drives from broken laptops. I ran a chkdsk /r and everything seems alright on the good ole C:\ drive. Granted it took about 3 hours to do.

Now I have to hope my printer doesn't go bust because my heavy ass cat is at this very moment sitting on top of it and staring at I have no idea what.

Anyway, I'll post another picture or two tomorrow if I have time from the honeymoon.