Monday, April 23, 2007

Good Bye 700WX

I had the Treo 700WX for about 5 days and after tinkering with it for that time it just wasn't for me. I will admit that its a very cool phone and everything with plenty of good features like multi tasking and background synchronization with Outlook for PIM stuff.

The area where it lacked, and this was the deal breaker for me, was the email. I thought that pocket Outlook would at least have the features that VersaMail (which is what I'm using to write this post) had right out of the gate. I have a complex routine in how I get my email and my old Treo was able to do this no problem. I have a primary and secondary Gmail account. Since you can only download mail once from Gmail I had to set things up this way. In Pocket Outlook, three critical features were missing for me. The first was the notifications while my phone is off. I get a decent amount of mail throughout the day and being able to know when I get something is important and the 700WX just couldn't do it. The second feature was a different reply to address. I like people replying to a single address or emailing one main address because it the forwards itself to both of my Gmail accounts. Why this easy thing was left out I don't know. And last but not least was the BCC's that were sent out with each email to myself. This was important because I liked beibg able to download my email to my home computer and to have a proper history of everything.

Now I probably won't be able to download my email from work to my phone but I really don't want to anyway or be able to sync up with my work contact list or to do's (again do I really want to do this??) While I do believe Windows Mobile is the future, I don't think its at a point where I would be willing to leave the Palm OS. So after I send the phone back I will go ahead and get a Treo 700P and download all my free programs to it once again :)

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