Monday, July 14, 2008

Finally in Memphis

Ahhh Monday! The ATL was all messed up today because of storms that rolled in yesterday and disrupted air travel. I was affected because my flight from Ft. Lauderdale was late which caused me to miss my connection to Memphis. There were people everywhere trying to get on any flight out to their ultimate destination.

I was already rebooked for the 5:30PM flight to Memphis but that's reallly late for a Monday. Luckily when I was in Ft. Lauderdale I asked the gate agent about available flights and they were nice enough to put me on the 10:50AM on Stand By. With my super awesome Gold status with Delta I was first on the Stand By list. I almost didn't make it because the entire plane had boarded and I was one of maybe three people on Stand By that got on.

Now I'm here in Memphis waiting for my boss to get off his plane so we can get to work. I hope the entire summer isn't like this for travel. I'll be mighty sore if it is. I can't wait to see what happens later this year when everyone cuts capacity. If the planes were full before, its going to be chaos come 2009.

On a side note, I'm happy that I have been inspired to write more on my blog. My wife is probably the only one that reads it now but at least someone is. So thank you my lovely wife for reading my rants and to any of my friends or anyone else that may come across my blog.

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