Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Windows Live Writer Take uhhh…

I”m trying out Windows Live Writer yet again.  I know that I’ve tried this in the past but I just couldn’t get used to it.  Blogger has always been just fine for most of my needs but lately I’ve been trying to find ways to compose my stuff offline so to speak.  Blogger doesn’t like it when I copy and paste word documents to blogger, it takes in all these weird XML tags and it just totally screws everything up which isn’t cool at all.

I’m still trying to get used to Live Writer, its not behaving the way I thought it would but thats ok for right now since I’m just trying it out. What I did was install a portable version on my USB memory stick so that I can take it wherever I want without having to truly install the program natively on my computer.

What I don’t get is why I can’t make paragraphs as easily as before but that’s a minor thing that I’ll have figured out.  It’s not nearly as annoying as writing my blog posts in word and then trying to put them on blogger by using a copy paste deal which takes along all the XML tags.  I can also try emailing it in but its hard to do on my phone, I’ve done it before but the paragraphs never come out right so I just don’t do it as often as I used to.

There are supposed to be some really cool features with this program so I’m going to test them out.  I want to install some of the plugin’s like the Twitter one so that it will post to my account.  I don’t know if it will work with my portable version of the app but you never know.  I just got back from vacation so I have to blog about that later but until then, I got work to do!

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